【突發】膊頭有花全部同我入哂黎做野! 要將「曱甴」呢樣野煲撚大佢
Simon吹雪 2019-8-16 23:42:46 此回覆已被刪除


蛋治烘底 2019-8-16 23:42:54
法國白居易 2019-8-16 23:43:11
721上街! 2019-8-16 23:43:31
Simon吹雪 2019-8-16 23:43:44 此回覆已被刪除
台妹難頻有 2019-8-16 23:44:11 得650份咁少
挪威的雪山 2019-8-16 23:44:29 push
WiselyZ 2019-8-16 23:44:49 721 811
新奇是非橙 2019-8-16 23:45:09
炭燒河妖 2019-8-16 23:45:10 推爆佢
你跌左個良心啊 2019-8-16 23:45:50 Push


泥污威 2019-8-16 23:46:03
洋蔥小妹 2019-8-16 23:46:47
P牌二等登民 2019-8-16 23:47:10
怒火中燒 2019-8-16 23:47:54 推爆
叫咩撚嘢好 2019-8-16 23:48:07 此回覆已被刪除
MuddyWater 2019-8-16 23:48:10
綠帽慘執 2019-8-16 23:48:12 第一:叫你落手殺狗你殺唔殺到,對比曱甴又殺唔殺到?

白卡法官 2019-8-16 23:50:08 /r/worldnews is for factual news reports only. No editorials or analysis pieces allowed. The title must fairly represent the article and must NOT state your opinion on the events or your interpretation of what happened.

BunnyC 2019-8-16 23:50:14
新奇是非橙 2019-8-16 23:50:38 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2922433471164485&id=454004001340790


Summer 2019-8-16 23:50:44 push
網名來啫 2019-8-16 23:50:52

8.11 警察於太古站C出口進行恐襲
[太古恐襲] 仔細查看當中27秒
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
一見鍾情 2019-8-16 23:51:49 818
Arcapita 2019-8-16 23:52:09 Oh gosh... sorry my bad... let’s ask Hong Kong free press to see if they are willing cover this news then. Their report was post on world news subreddit quite a lot lately...