海關督察2019 (3)
吳亦凡Kris 2019-10-31 21:54:25 舊年啲number會派返轉頭 細number未收到唔洗驚


prokofiev 2019-10-31 23:56:12 My friend Amy has an interview in the department next Friday. I said "I support you. It's going to be ok. I'm there for you." My brother too said "I've got your back. I'm rooting for you." Amy's boyfriend has a geography exam at university soon so she's busy with revision. I said "You're almost there. I've got your back" My brother also said "You got this. I believe in you." When her professor was tutoring her in geography, the professor said "Now you've got the hang of it. You're on the right track now. Keep up the good work. You're doing fine."
海狗汪汪 2019-11-1 00:00:50 Huh?
明眼人 2019-11-1 17:38:44 此回覆已被刪除
地獄使者阿狗大人 2019-11-1 18:07:06 係,我一千頭,岩岩收到
CMBOG 2019-11-1 18:09:13
埃米林姆 2019-11-1 18:24:57 18/11 5:00pm
Thx god
Oliveir吉魯 2019-11-1 18:25:48 咩都無
哉拓村木 2019-11-1 19:19:47
埃米林姆 2019-11-1 21:40:13 未中姐
走樣法子 2019-11-3 08:10:31 求加tg group


哉拓村木 2019-11-3 16:09:54
Oliveir吉魯 2019-11-3 16:21:09
費事改名 2019-11-3 16:32:05 有無人收到blt result?
車仔面 2019-11-3 20:02:26 未收到,寄俾考生?
費事改名 2019-11-3 20:41:53 我收到

車仔面 2019-11-3 20:49:16 冇阿,寄俾你?
費事改名 2019-11-3 20:54:28 yes
車仔面 2019-11-3 20:57:58 我唔記得報左咩地址,因為搬左屋可能未收到姐
灣仔區劉華 2019-11-4 00:48:13 測色盲時可唔可以帶眼鏡?
地獄使者阿狗大人 2019-11-4 12:47:14 你想帶有色眼鏡?


明眼人 2019-11-4 14:00:33 此回覆已被刪除
埃米林姆 2019-11-4 17:44:21 其實駛唔駛溫埋trade controls個邊d野
因為見上年有人話問過consumer protection方面海關做左d咩
但trade controls同CI又完全冇關係(好似)
紅燒野生全體水魚 2019-11-4 17:44:59 今日有無派email?
地獄使者阿狗大人 2019-11-4 20:13:59 通常逢星期五