2019-8-15 11:43:08
1. This violates freedom of assembly. HKers have absolute rights to express their opinion through protest. But this petition suggest to suppress freedom in HK, which is ridiculous.
2. It tricks people to sign this petition. HKers have been using 5 major claims since mid June. This petition use the same title of 5 major claims, but the details are replaced.
3. If you are aware of HK situation now, you should know that the Chinese authorities are using extreme methods to defame the movement. CHINA WANTS TO CREATE A FALSE ACCUSAL—TERRORIST ATTACK to send troops to MURDER HK CIVILIAN. Thousands of cyber goon (so called Wu Mao) are paid to discredit this movement, including signing this petition.
I, a HKer, sincerely request Change.org to delete this petition and supervise any similar petitions. PLEASE SAVE US! PLEASE SAVE HK PEOPLE!