[An/iOS] Orna (10) - 虛擬實境+ 傳統RPG 五大訴求 缺一不可 以眼還眼
NaCl 2019-8-19 10:14:17 With the recent interest in the game, the time has come again the we are pushing Orna's newest server farm to its limit. This is resulting in some server latency during peak hours of the day (mostly 5-8pm EST). I'm trying my best to scale gracefully, including:

I've order some new custom hardware from my provider, which is taking a little longer than expected to deliver

Cracking down on, and banning botters / clickers

Routine optimizations

What can you do to help?

Inventory processing is currently the most stressing on the servers. Trimming down your inventory (or sending items to the keep) can greatly help reduce the data and processing tax server side.

from reddit, 自己server自己救


丁頁你 2019-8-19 10:17:18 個倉成千件裝
粑粑 2019-8-19 10:18:59 250lv
粑粑 2019-8-19 10:26:22 7星以下全拆 小怪武器都係拆

自由騎士仔 2019-8-19 11:21:26

NaCl 2019-8-19 14:34:20 往往就係 想要嘅就得唔到
Bingo 2019-8-19 14:44:49 新手,幾lv先有得霸地,住啲郊區應該無人霸

假鬼 2019-8-19 15:23:14 公會就冰有一個[HK] The north
雷有一個[HK] Imperial
NaCl 2019-8-19 15:26:17 打得贏就霸得,無人嘅可以直接claim咗佢
粑粑 2019-8-19 16:26:45 日日俾人打
假鬼 2019-8-19 17:01:22 有人打你還拖咁咪可以亙刷成就


粑粑 2019-8-19 17:03:23 最慘我成日0% 被動
假鬼 2019-8-19 17:36:03 香港咁少人玩 你有邊個0%係抽唔羸
粑粑 2019-8-19 17:37:25
同級果d 100%都唔係食硬
hkgg golden....
假鬼 2019-8-19 17:45:08 hkgg你200lvl就可以食滑佢喇

粑粑 2019-8-19 17:46:52 hkgg miss 我就死
golden 都係互轟,但佢成日連出sc
假鬼 2019-8-19 17:47:58 咁你加油快d升200
粑粑 2019-8-19 17:50:49 2唔200都係咁 我估

好鬼難升,冇咩mood 衝
假鬼 2019-8-19 18:05:14 200有summon dead 2, 所有生物(除盾戰) 一下死
假鬼 2019-8-19 18:07:53 不過打地都係無乜用為啖氣
粑粑 2019-8-19 18:11:35 想要既裝打極都唔出,好冇癮

我呢幾日15x key刷boss mode 刷到22x條key

死神劍 horror 黑龍卷


假鬼 2019-8-19 18:15:30 目標放係三神棍仲好啦
粑粑 2019-8-19 18:17:08 要2個特效ja
假鬼 2019-8-19 18:18:53 199上200都係食6隻幾亞瑟到
粑粑 2019-8-19 18:20:19 打1隻 半血200 萬都想嘔,仲要打咁多隻