Hsbc 離岸戶口
無毒河豚 2019-11-2 20:49:09 此回覆已被刪除


HKBEN 2019-11-2 20:58:01 expat
唔知等到幾時 2019-11-4 15:45:56 此回覆已被刪除
唔知等到幾時 2019-11-4 15:46:29 此回覆已被刪除
唔知等到幾時 2019-11-5 11:53:27 此回覆已被刪除
青山走犯 2019-11-5 14:07:55 此回覆已被刪除
一釘大師 2019-11-5 14:11:58 都係想問下大家
開左離岸戶口後, 放左GBP
認真地盤佬 2019-11-5 14:14:28 買英國樓

一釘大師 2019-11-5 14:18:25 [url]但美金FD RATE都低[/url]
一釘大師 2019-11-5 14:18:45 自膠
認真地盤佬 2019-11-5 14:20:00


登高香港 2019-11-5 15:53:39 No
認真地盤佬 2019-11-5 15:58:19 用advance比800開完expat,個expat都要放GBP 50000入面
登高香港 2019-11-5 16:06:42 Expat 同premier 都要
Advance uk 都要
唔知等到幾時 2019-11-6 09:33:52 此回覆已被刪除
唔知等到幾時 2019-11-7 16:47:20 此回覆已被刪除
登高香港 2019-11-21 15:19:57 收到卡了
有錢人(上一世) 2019-11-26 21:23:00 我十月中整hsbc uk advance的,申請之後一路都冇聲氣,直到琴日有封email黎話 “Thank you for choosing HSBC to be your International Bank.

Over the next few days, we will be contacting you by telephone to discuss your UK services. We will attempt to contact you on your preferred telephone number listed and look forward to speaking with you soon.”

今日又有封email 黎”Thank you for choosing HSBC to be your International Bank.

Get all the benefits you’d expect from a bank account and more, including access to an exclusive range of products and rates. To find out more please visit:

Telephone, Online & Mobile Banking Services
To access our full range of Telephone, Online and Mobile Banking services you need to create a personal security number. You can do this by contacting HSBC UK”


Throwaway1234 2019-11-29 13:03:45 我同你一樣,過埋呢個星期仲未有任何消息嘅話我會打電話問一問個經理
有錢人(上一世) 2019-11-29 13:09:30 我打過去英國 不過佢問我ac number
Throwaway1234 2019-11-29 13:10:53 我ac number 都未有,但我12月中要有晒所有野


有錢人(上一世) 2019-11-29 13:12:37 我都冇 ac number
Throwaway1234 2019-11-29 13:13:52 一陣send 個email 問下先
有錢人(上一世) 2019-11-29 13:14:49 咩都冇 點寫
Throwaway1234 2019-11-29 13:15:37 應該有個application number?