禿伯. 2019-8-14 01:29:57


Godfather 2019-8-14 01:30:22 撤惡法
Godfather 2019-8-14 01:30:36 銷控罪
Godfather 2019-8-14 01:30:46 非暴動
Godfather 2019-8-14 01:30:58 查警暴
禿伯. 2019-8-14 01:31:06
Godfather 2019-8-14 01:31:09 真普選
Godfather 2019-8-14 01:32:55 護公安嘅鬼佬記者出咗聲
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
Godfather 2019-8-14 01:33:13 Sooooooo, the Airport turned out kinda crazy for me tonight. Had been live tweeting the discovery of the Chinese cop since it first happened.
After about an hour of him being quizzed, they tried to move him. It seemed that they would exit him via a human passageway. I was right at the front of the passageway ready to film it. It quickly became apparent that it wasn’t a passage way out but a gauntlet for a mass beating. The guy was already beaten up. Now the crowd began to punch and kick him.
Other media looked on and filmed. But I’m just not this kind of person, and I had to protect him, with my own body for nearly 40 mins.
Pretty intense.
I support escalation. I vividly understand how angry Hong Kongers are. I know I shouldn’t get actively involved. I also know that he was a Chinese cop, dressed as a protester, caught with sticks, and so had evil intentions towards HK.
But on a human level I could not stand by, or even walk away from a man being beaten to a pulp.
So yeah it was a rough ride.
The angry protesters respected what I was doing, and never intentionally hit me, not once. But, I got a few accidental knocks.
I’m sorry this happened.
I dunno what the outcome should’ve been. I don’t even know if my protecting him with my own body was the right thing to do.
This isn’t a war. It’s a revolution, we’re fighting a system, not individuals.
I think many protesters acted really badly tonight.
But, I also blame the HK police too. Their actions on Sunday, when they dressed up as protesters and then started beating and arresting people changed everything. Everyone is on a hair trigger now and riddled with paranoia and anger.
I said on Sunday, after this despicable tactic, any cop or agent provocateur caught by the protesters would be in life threatening danger. Well, I was proven right tonight, and also got a proxy beating for it. 🤣
Anyway, I’m all fine. A few scratches and bruises over my body and face.
HK is very much broken. Only the government can stop this.
In the meantime, get out and protest whenever you can. Every little will help in the long run.

Richard Scotford

閪嫂無限公司 2019-8-14 01:33:35 救援車都有假 所以我地要嚴懲假扮
禿伯. 2019-8-14 01:34:37


Godfather 2019-8-14 01:36:36
Godfather 2019-8-14 01:37:28 有啲POST好明顯分化 自己揸緊信念
禿伯. 2019-8-14 01:38:31
Godfather 2019-8-14 01:38:33 考慮下自己有咩可以做到 最緊要自身安全
FF999 2019-8-14 01:38:39
InDGrade神 2019-8-14 01:39:55 明白。

Godfather 2019-8-14 01:40:53
Godfather 2019-8-14 01:41:16 721
Godfather 2019-8-14 01:41:54 希望大家聽小弟一言,be water be humble!!
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
Godfather 2019-8-14 01:42:29 唔使灰心
長路漫漫, 大把人陪你一齊行


預言帝 2019-8-14 01:42:51 何妖實恥笑
我由頭到尾無割過 無被割 無被指責

你地班撚樣 少少野都割又分化互屌互指責

記住 反對/屌人時 比埋建議 咁就


好多手足受傷 被捕 點解我地仲企出黎
因 為 未 完
godblesshk 2019-8-14 01:43:23 寫咗段字,有用嘅話請拎去用

我承認我們誤判 但我不與他們割𥱊
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
你不累嗎 2019-8-14 01:44:15
WhatwHaT 2019-8-14 01:45:13 小小文宣方向