忠黨愛國金槍人 2019-8-13 09:22:12 push


起早打飛機 2019-8-13 09:22:33
米博士 2019-8-13 09:22:42 811警暴連環
⒈蓄意謀殺女救護員 影片直證布袋鉛彈瞄準爆眼球 永久失明 面骨碎裂、
⒉插贜竹枝 造偽證 誣陷被捕者、
⒊地鐡站內 水平發射催淚彈CS神經毒氣、
⒋警喬裝示威者 發動衝擊縱火、
⒌普通話軍人 多處滲透武統、
⒍一米內行刑 掃射胡椒彈槍、欠釀電梯人踩人、
⒎縱容黑幫橫行 毆打記者路人、
⒏濫暴痛毆 重創被捕者 打掉門牙 血肉模糊、
⒐屋村老人民居 發射催淚彈CS神經毒氣 直噴胡椒屋苑保安
10. 殘害救護人員、救護員舉旗警告 尖沙咀阻礙救援 違反國際人道法 屬嚴重刑事罪行

August 11, 2019 *** Police Brutality ***

⒈ Macilously and unlawfully cause Greivous Bodily Harm - Gun Aims for the head:
Shooting lean-filled pellet round directly to a First-aider’s eye, causing grievous bodily harm including:
- Right eyeball RUPTURED.
- Permanent BLINDNESS.
- Eyelids and tear ducts LACERATIONS.
⒉ Planting fake evidence on arrested protesters (putting sharp bamboo into protestors’ backpack)
⒊ Unlawfully & Horizontally lauching TEARGAS canisters INDOOR (in MTR subway stations at civilians)
⒋ Officers disguised as demonstrators to take the lead, and incite them to violence.
⒌ Mandarin-speaking officers spotted: suspected to be Mainland China officers undercovering as HKPF.
⒍ SWEEP-SHOTTING protesters with projectiles (Pepperball Pistol) at less than 1m range.
Shoved protesters down escalators (almost causing STAMPEDE).
⒎ Allowing gangsters(who support HK police) chasing up
and beating pedestrians, reporters, and protesters on streets.
⒏ Bloody arrest: Brutally beaten up arrested protester (protester wrestled to the ground moaning in pain with front tooth knocked out).
⒐ Launching TEARGAS canisters in suburban area populated by old residential buildings(outside the elderly homes, community centers, and nearby residences). Pepper-sprayed residences’ on-duty security guards.
10. (Serious Criminal Offence) Obstruction of medical care - in violation of the International Humanitarian Law. First-aider raising the Flag for Warning at TST
你撚頭頭撚你 2019-8-13 09:23:42
威廉帕齊 2019-8-13 09:24:24 推!!!
劍兵勇士 2019-8-13 09:24:36
Tamama二等兵 2019-8-13 09:24:56
一胖毁所有 2019-8-13 09:25:02 奕都唔可以獨立調查
魷魚係尖嘅 2019-8-13 09:25:04
大肉雞 2019-8-13 09:25:27 推!
小寶 2019-8-13 09:27:41 Push


會計小薯 2019-8-13 09:27:59
小黑咪 2019-8-13 09:29:48 有記者問點解講普通話

ck68 2019-8-13 09:30:01 點你老母
讓旋律沉默控訴 2019-8-13 09:31:14 支那狗
LOGAN 2019-8-13 09:31:56 Push
巖窟王 2019-8-13 09:32:38
Sky_Croc 2019-8-13 09:33:05 有種講法話系特區警察故意擾亂視線
大隻仔仔 2019-8-13 09:33:29 又一證據
富士大廈7樓 2019-8-13 09:33:31 應該同一個人

MercTreads 2019-8-13 09:33:44 此回覆已被刪除


=.=" 2019-8-13 09:34:22 此回覆已被刪除
黑椒汁男 2019-8-13 09:34:49 推呀屌
黑椒汁男 2019-8-13 09:35:03 呢條片睇一次心酸一次
巴士飛站 2019-8-13 09:35:08 721 811