[We're on the right track!!] 曼聯終極FF戰術暨林鄭黑警仆街死全家吹水區 [671]
ImagineDragons 2019-8-14 01:13:17 此回覆已被刪除


ImagineDragons 2019-8-14 01:13:46 此回覆已被刪除
夠鐘轉一轉 2019-8-14 01:14:13 https://lihkg.com/thread/1466595/page/1
咁樣答幾撚完美 對家愈無底牌 我地就愈唔應該割
事後檢討係可以 但互屌唔團結就死撚硬
M.Depay 2019-8-14 01:16:48 好撚認同
應該檢討完就carry on
夜子若+ 2019-8-14 01:21:23 藍絲有樣勁就係撐到底
ImagineDragons 2019-8-14 01:22:02 此回覆已被刪除
也許當時 2019-8-14 01:23:26 此回覆已被刪除
熊餅 2019-8-14 01:23:55 所以我地都係撐到底
勇武打狗又好, 禍及家人又好, 打撚死都唔會割架喇
M.Depay 2019-8-14 01:25:26 Biased Propaganda黎講 佢地真係贏哂
M.Depay 2019-8-14 01:34:35
熊餅 2019-8-14 01:34:47 不分化,不割席,不捉鬼


陳伯伯 2019-8-14 01:36:03 低能左,自屌
卡爾奧 2019-8-14 01:36:11 割就一定唔割 但錯真係要認要改 鑊鑊都火遮眼錯落去就一定輸
山岸逢花 2019-8-14 01:36:46 P牌仔
大佬史摩寧👹 2019-8-14 01:39:11 此回覆已被刪除
ImagineDragons 2019-8-14 01:40:33 此回覆已被刪除
七百年後 2019-8-14 01:41:59 不嬲得把口,事實潔癖到不得了
ImagineDragons 2019-8-14 01:43:17 此回覆已被刪除
熊餅 2019-8-14 01:44:31 五毛想乘機帶風向, 事實上大把人根本唔會割
俾人打足兩個月, 死左6個義士仲有無數人受傷
大佬史摩寧👹 2019-8-14 01:46:34 此回覆已被刪除
M.Depay 2019-8-14 01:47:04 割果啲簡直係智撚障,唔通d on9公安重要過我地所有義士既死活, 無數義士既前途同埋個女仔隻眼咩?


七百年後 2019-8-14 01:49:58 我喺外國我唔知現實香港情況點,希望唔會好似呢度咁咁撚多戇鳩鳩潔癖撚。
熊餅 2019-8-14 01:54:04 史奈達自7月約滿後一直未有落班,至昨日宣布掛靴的決定,並稱已與烏德勒簽下商業合約:「我一直十分喜愛這城市。現在我已決定掛靴,我想找個好地方去傳承自己的經驗。」

丙:朗 2019-8-14 01:58:08 越來越失敗就係太多潔癖撚民意撚光環撚
M.Depay 2019-8-14 02:02:54 屌你老母 係真定假?未Fact check到

Court issues injunction order to remove protesters from Hong Kong airport terminal after they clash with riot police

Defiant anti-government protesters brought unprecedented violence to Hong Kong International Airport on Tuesday night, clashing with riot police after severely disrupting flights, even as officials secured an injunction order against those occupying the terminal building.

A source confirmed that the Airport Authority, represented by senior counsel Benjamin Yu, was granted the injunction by a judge late on Tuesday night.

It was not immediately clear what the scope of the injunction to remove the protesters would be or how it would be enforced, but technically, the order would become effective once it was posted in a public area at the airport.

Source: SCMP