tetrahedron 2019-9-12 20:32:31 可以


serhiy_nigoyan 2019-9-12 23:14:26 世界係咁簡單就好
永續雞場 2019-9-13 00:43:17
永續雞場 2019-9-13 00:44:37
Currylamb 2019-9-13 00:50:08 巴打 對水瓶女痴身真係死
tetrahedron 2019-9-13 01:09:50 祝你好運
永續雞場 2019-9-13 02:16:14
忍住啊 2019-9-13 12:25:26 中意咪感動 唔中意咪煩
serhiy_nigoyan 2019-9-13 12:52:44
prokofiev 2019-9-13 14:34:38 My friend John is a Pisces while his girlfriend is a Gemini. He's faithful to his girlfriend and would never cheat on her. When he broke up with his ex, he was pushed over the edge. Even when a stranger talked to him there was an edge of hostility to his voice. But as soon as he had a new relationship target, it took the edge of his emotional upset. His ex is a swimming champion who easily outshines me and him in any swimming styles. She's tall and shapely who definitely has the edge over lots of swimmers. Recently, he got into a brawl with a guy who was hitting on his girlfriend. The police showed up later and jealousy was assigned as the motive for the brawl. They dined in a hotel's restaurant recently. They queued outside the restaurant for an hour. The queue was so big that it stretched from the counter through the lobby area and out the main entrance of the hotel. A stout man pushed in the queue but was caught lol. I popped over to their home and visited them. The shuttle bus queue for their residential estate was so huge stretching down the road to the furthest mini bus stop. I waited in line for half an hour until three shuttle buses came along at once. In the meantime, some people mistook this long line for the line for other places. A couple came up and asked "are you in the queue for Cluny Park?" to make sure that it's the right queue. A stout man cut in line but people ignored it. Later a slim guy jumped the queue. The lady behind him said "Excuse me. The end of the queue is back there." A woman stood beside a guy who was midway through the queue. Pretending to look at her phone, she edged furtively behind him who didn't realise she was there. Some people might have noticed it but ignored it. When I saw John yesterday, he seemed on edge. It turns out that he has a job interview tomorrow. Never has he felt so on edge before an interview. His brother sometimes takes a nap at lunchtime because he has so much work to do that he feels drained. He usually snoozes on the sofa or at his desk by the fireplace when everyone else's eating lunch outside. He once brought his work along to a library where he dozed off at the table. Having a doze especially in front of the fire is a marvelous way to recharge your energy though. His sister has just completed her PhD at Tokyo University and is on the way to becoming a professor. Japan's on the way to becoming the world's strongest economy.
serhiy_nigoyan 2019-9-13 20:11:39 中秋快樂


永續雞場 2019-9-13 22:48:00
pinkpanda 2019-9-14 00:16:26 當佢講清楚話知我想點 但覺得可能只係做朋友好啲 我知咁係拒絕我 但係係代表以後唔好再搵佢 定係可以做返朋友 但唔好過線 可以重新慢慢黎 我知自己沉船得太快 呢段期間帶比我同佢都好大壓力 咁既話會唔會係一個可以重整既機會 定要完全放棄
Meowcifer 2019-9-14 01:12:08 之前我男友同我表白 我都係答佢做番朋友好啲
佢keep住每日都有搵我(冇flirt 朋友傾計mode) 到後尾變番我同佢表白
所以作為水瓶女 我會同你講唔需要完全放棄住
不過做番朋友嘅同時 你自己都要留意下佢係咪好冷淡個種 如果係嘅話我個人覺得嘅冇乜機嫁啦.. 另外如果相處太大壓力的話都真係會反感嘅
永續雞場 2019-9-14 02:12:05 想知點解後來會變做你表白
Meowcifer 2019-9-14 03:06:54 因為本來我係覺得做朋友對大家會好啲
變番做朋友個陣係就算我撩佢flirt下佢 佢都係無動於衷咁 keep住朋友距離
日日搵我係OK嘅 咁不過都要睇番你地一開始未沉船嘅頻率係點先
我唔知你地初初係點啦 所以你因應番你地之前嘅狀況 再決定番個密度係點
永續雞場 2019-9-14 03:11:39 即係好似啲人話對貓咁
pinkpanda 2019-9-14 03:14:44 大唔大機會係有左男友 先會咁講 唔敢問 一問應該連朋友都冇得做 姐係要睇佢之後覆唔覆 黎決定佢之前講既說話?
Meowcifer 2019-9-14 03:25:32 如果佢對你有好感的話 就係
唔係嘅話就會fade out 得好快
如果心聲真有療效 2019-9-14 03:35:13 https://youtu.be/khpnNT44Z60
照足佢咁做, 咁就實食冇黐牙
Meowcifer 2019-9-14 03:47:24 嘩.. 呢個我真係唔清楚
我自己就會講清楚有男朋友嘅 當對方真係表白嘅時候


pinkpanda 2019-9-14 07:44:29 我又冇正式表白 不過佢實feel到先咁講 好感既話可能出左幾次都冇進展 都應該冇哂 其實回歸做朋友既尺度去到邊 進取耐 已經唔記得點做先比佢覺得係當朋友 重新調整
Gay關算到盡 2019-9-14 08:19:58 唔好意思 絲打 我都有問題想問吓你
我同佢分開左兩個月 其實我係應該唔再搵佢 初時分手係佢提出 我諗佢都積積埋埋左一段時間既 我諗我都無機會了 對?
Meowcifer 2019-9-14 11:37:45 如果你未去到表白個刻 佢已經話做朋友好啲的話
我覺得佢99.9% friend zone左你 唔想你有過界嘅行為
Meowcifer 2019-9-14 11:49:27 可以搵 唔係完全無機會嘅 但老實講兩個月之後先搵機會係微嘅
不過分手緊係事出必有因 個問題係咩 要點解決 你要諗清楚先
我成日都覺得唔好諗人地諗咩 要去問
真係鐘意人嘅咪去搵 加油呀Ching