好肚餓呀呀 2019-8-12 14:30:53


坂田銀時(幕末) 2019-8-12 14:30:58
碧藍湖水 2019-8-12 14:30:58 班廢老又會話有書唔讀

桂林街 2019-8-12 14:31:00
哲夫成城 2019-8-12 14:31:05 有poly
鳩up勿認真 2019-8-12 14:31:06 此回覆已被刪除
WeTheNorth 2019-8-12 14:31:06 721
1. 尖沙咀瞄頭射,射爆女仕眼球
2. 以化學武器攻擊葵芳/太古車站內,近距離開槍射擊
3. 北角無視黑幫攻擊記者/平民
4. 參與非法集會,以磚/汽油彈攻擊防暴警犬,煽動民眾
5. 製造偽証
6. 警犬在太古站推人落電梯
7. 荃灣攻擊平民
宮水一葉 2019-8-12 14:31:08 推!
林嘉豪 2019-8-12 14:31:11 721
1. 尖沙咀瞄頭射,射爆女仕眼球
2. 以化學武器攻擊葵芳/太古車站內,近距離開槍射擊
3. 北角無視黑幫攻擊記者/平民
4. 參與非法集會,以磚/汽油彈攻擊防暴警犬,煽動民眾
5. 製造偽証
6. 警犬在太古站推人落電梯
7. 荃灣攻擊平民
加連威老豆 2019-8-12 14:31:16
梁志健 2019-8-12 14:31:19 毅進罷課影響仲大呀


難為牛熊定分界 2019-8-12 14:31:25 加油
皇上經理人 2019-8-12 14:31:29 【無一個警察係無辜】試下係機場播呢條811英文字幕片比外國人睇
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
加連威老豆 2019-8-12 14:31:30
搵你條仔屌屎忽 2019-8-12 14:31:32
鳩品360 2019-8-12 14:31:36 此回覆已被刪除
SEED8210 2019-8-12 14:31:37
加連威老豆 2019-8-12 14:31:40 推!!!
卡塔庫栗 2019-8-12 14:31:44 此回覆已被刪除
天下無敵 2019-8-12 14:31:48 push
小毒毒毒毒 2019-8-12 14:31:49


沁聲汪 2019-8-12 14:31:52
奧比旺 2019-8-12 14:31:53
「全港三罷 追究極權」 大專學界聯合聲明

一、 偽裝示威者作出衝擊行為,再配合防暴警察拘捕和平示威者;
二、 以布袋彈射擊市民眼部,令其眼球破裂,造成永久失明;
三、 在港鐵葵芳站施放催淚毒氣;
四、 在港鐵太古站距離僅一米以胡椒球槍掃射站內市民,並於扶手電梯推倒和毆打市民以致人踩人;
五、 偽造證據,插贓嫁禍,將棍棒塞進被捕人士的背包;
六、 對北角、荃灣的白衣暴徒視而不見,任由暴徒無差别攻擊市民及記者;
七、 香港警察以去人性化詞語「蟑螂」貶稱香港市民,與盧旺達大屠殺鼓吹胡圖族優等論及納粹軍貶稱猶太人為「老鼠」如出一徹,以圖合理化自身濫權濫暴之惡行;




Joint Statement by Students’ Unions of Higher Institutions

General Strike - Bring the Brutes to Justice, Bring Freedom to Hong Kong
Hongkongers, we shall not connive at the abuse of power and violence by the Hong Kong Police Force.
Students’ Unions of higher institutions hereby call for a general strike from all Hongkongers for an indefinite period, until the outlaws in Hong Kong Police Force were brought to justice and the Hong Kong Communist regime responds to the Five Demands of Hongkongers. We urge Hongkongers to assemble in Hong Kong International Airport at 1 p.m. every day starting from today.
In the past two months, these outlaws have been showing no respect for any laws and regulations; they have been using excessive violence, deploying expired chemical weapons, assaulting innocent passers-by and reporters, refusing to present their warrant cards and arresting citizens unreasonably.
Last night, the world witnessed how the outlaws have completely lost their control. All their acts are dehumanizing. They committed numerous crimes including:
1. Pretending as protesters and initiating violent conflicts, and then collaborating with the riot police in arresting peaceful protesters;
2. Shooting citizens in the eyes with bean bag rounds, causing rupture of the globe and permanent blindness;
3. Firing tear gas inside Kwai Fong MTR Station;
4. Shooting rampage of pepper spray projectiles at citizens in Tai Koo MTR station at close distance, and assaulting citizens on escalators causing a stampede;
5. Fabricating evidence by putting a stick into the bag of an arrested person;
6. Ignoring the violent acts of the white-clothed thugs, letting them attack citizens and journalists indiscriminately;
7. Using dehumanizing expression, such as “cockroaches”, to describe Hong Kong citizens. Similar strategies were employed during the Rwanda genocide and the Holocaust, in an attempt to justify their abuse of power and violence.
Hong Kong has become a police state.
The essence of the rule of law is nemo est supra legis (i.e. no one is above the law). The Hong Kong Communist regime have been criticizing the protesters for ruining the rule of law for months, but what is in fact eroding the rule of law in Hong Kong is the abuse of power and violence by Hong Kong Police Force.
We shall not kneel. God bless Hong Kong. The tyranny must fall.
The Hong Kong University Students' Union
The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Students' Union
City University of Hong Kong Students’ Union
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students’ Union
The Open University of Hong Kong Students’ Union
Lingnan University Students’ Union
The Student Union of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Student Union of Hong Kong Shue Yan University
The Education University of Hong Kong Students’ Union
The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Students’ Union
Hong Kong Baptist University Students' Union
12th August 2019

拉姆齊上菜 2019-8-12 14:31:55 721
1. 尖沙咀瞄頭射,射爆女仕眼球
2. 以化學武器攻擊葵芳/太古車站內,近距離開槍射擊
3. 北角無視黑幫攻擊記者/平民
4. 參與非法集會,以磚/汽油彈攻擊防暴警犬,煽動民眾
5. 製造偽証
6. 警犬在太古站推人落電梯
7. 荃灣攻擊平民
牛腩河多蔥 2019-8-12 14:31:55