米國大兄 2019-8-12 09:50:40


山本彩姐 2019-8-12 09:50:42 pusssh
粗眉雞眼 2019-8-12 09:50:44 支持
打招呼師 2019-8-12 09:50:57 此回覆已被刪除
鬆弛小黃鴨 2019-8-12 09:50:57 推呀
上連燈勿動心 2019-8-12 09:51:09 push
sparda 2019-8-12 09:51:09 玉石俱焚
唔好再上心啦 2019-8-12 09:51:10
乾弱淋 2019-8-12 09:51:17 721
Saltbae 2019-8-12 09:51:23
我老婆有左 2019-8-12 09:51:30


小馬菲 2019-8-12 09:51:30
唔好打面(要搵食) 2019-8-12 09:51:32 推 感激
流浪的生活 2019-8-12 09:51:33 推 。
要叫咩名好 2019-8-12 09:51:34
叮噹不要老 2019-8-12 09:51:44
ElonMusk. 2019-8-12 09:51:50 上醫醫國 支持醫護界
香城落雨聲 2019-8-12 09:51:52 #讀者提供資訊

整咗封email 去國際刑事法院
要求調查及控告香港警察, 請考慮一齊send!

Request for investigation and prosecution of the HONG KONG POLICE FORCE

Dear Sirs,

I would like to report that during the past few months, there were frequent demonstrations in Hong Kong by the local citizens, which were initiated to object the Extradition Bill proposed by the Hong Kong Government.

During the demonstrations, the Hong Kong Police used unreasonable brutal forces / violence to disperse and arrest the demonstrators, including physical attacks, tear gas and plastic bullets.

As identified and verified by the demonstrators, tear gas used by the Hong Kong Police were well past the Expiry date and we understand that expired tear gas is actually toxic or harmful to health.

The Hong Kong SAR government refused and keep on refusing to form an independent investigation committee to investigate the current turmoil as well as the seemingly unlawful acts done by the police police force.

In this regard, I would like to seek your assistance to instigate investigation into the unlawful enforcement of the Hong Kong Police, including the use of expired tear gas.

Thank you for your kind attention. I hope by your international impartial status as well as the connection with the UN, you can help us to stop the violence and offences being done by the HK Police, and bring true justice to us.


A Hong Kong citizen
小丑1993 2019-8-12 09:52:07 此回覆已被刪除
佛系女孩 2019-8-12 09:52:16 醫護罷工文宣
香港狗察 2019-8-12 09:52:19


癈中 2019-8-12 09:52:20
karfso 2019-8-12 09:52:20 推!機場見!
尋找中的角色 2019-8-12 09:52:21 推呀
丁泰遠 2019-8-12 09:52:22 推。