[PolyU]紅磚大學討論區(17) - Reg唔到靚科
比份工我返 2019-10-3 01:55:25 新hall 姐


失事軑 2019-10-3 09:23:14 Reg唔倒 healthy lifestyle 個 wrap up lecture
寫住not eligible to apply

明明我 part 123 已competed
准我一生愛你一個 2019-10-3 13:00:04 email有講 如果你啱啱先完成part 123 要過兩日先有得reg
Eunseo 2019-10-3 20:38:37
Stereotype 2019-10-3 21:15:10
好多熊人公仔 2019-10-3 22:46:06
Stereotype 2019-10-3 22:55:23
十八 2019-10-4 01:47:38

同埋做得太急 識都會錯
人類真係無得救 2019-10-7 12:22:19 有冇人有Fun with language hw1 ans

DoubleMay 2019-10-7 15:58:05 Ows要等department 做野先批錢
Department 又唔做野
.小宮惠那 2019-10-9 14:26:41 想問下可唔可以同時Apply幾個Minor?


陸遜44殺傳說 2019-10-9 16:03:00 今日Poly拉巴同電腦室收幾點
一隻狗向西走 2019-10-9 16:04:17 想問下今日Chinese art and life 係唔係要mid term?
一中一竹木口竹土 2019-10-9 16:38:28 library收10點
人類真係無得救 2019-10-9 19:50:49 請問有冇人岩岩係C core 3次男廁洗手盤格離汁到袋野 入面係一件tee。。
人類真係無得救 2019-10-9 19:58:39 3樓
茶飯不思 2019-10-10 00:04:03 點為之讀得過
茶飯不思 2019-10-10 00:04:26 cant
凍鏈茶走田 2019-10-10 03:33:38
好多熊人公仔 2019-10-10 08:44:34
隱藏性gay因 2019-10-10 22:05:28 新開嘅W kiosk有咩食?


埋土science狗 2019-10-13 01:07:13 咖啡 意粉 pastry

唔算難食 不過價錢以canteen嚟講偏貴

伊朗 2019-10-13 02:01:32 咁似v core cafe🤣🤣
prokofiev 2019-10-14 22:15:54 My friend is planning on taking a phd in chemistry there since nowadays a master's isn't worth the paper its printed on, let alone a bachelor degree. Last friday she was almost swindled out of thousands of dollars. I told her that person was a scammer who was trying to swindle money from her. The contract isn't worth the paper it's written on. Fortunately she listened to me. Otherwise the swindler would've swindled her out if thousands of dollars. I've read in the newspapers that some customers were promised to get their money back if they weren't satisfied with the products but later they found out they'd been sold down the river as so far they've been unable to contact the swindler. The scammer didn't honour the contracts. Yesterday she dented my chair with a dumbbell. I told her that I would wilr her slate clean if she fixed the debt in my chair lol.
來生不要黃皮膚 2019-10-15 01:32:28 z core條橋開啦
