(心郁郁又想浸)日本各地溫泉旅館 (4)
Iroha 2020-1-24 12:12:43


找數憎漢子 2020-1-27 14:57:38 想問東京有冇近近地既溫泉旅館推薦
Hiauntie 2020-1-27 19:37:29 箱根/河口湖?
找數憎漢子 2020-1-27 19:52:40 都有得唸,路程黎講係咪最好一落機即去箱根住返兩晚,之後先返去東京市區玩埋佢?
與天鬥 2020-1-29 15:02:10 同問

有咩溫泉旅館或者溫泉酒店推介 想要係房都有得浸溫泉果種


黨指揮娼 2020-1-29 22:15:14 你咁問得出就緊係住足咁多日溫泉酒店啦,去七日住足七日溫泉酒店,每日來回出市區,諗起都想試。
黑警關節粉碎機 2020-1-29 23:36:28 聽見都覺得攰到仆街
AIMAR 2020-1-31 00:36:27 想問有冇巴打住過箱根樂樂花
3月尾見箱根d 溫泉旅館好貴, 本來想住河口湖, 但已經fully booked
所以睇返箱根, 見post 1 有巴打講過唔錯, 想睇下有冇update 呢
找數憎漢子 2020-1-31 00:37:03 幾錢?
伽藍 2020-1-31 00:40:25
AIMAR 2020-1-31 00:50:49 加埋曬2450稅一晚, 住兩晚


Post-it 2020-1-31 08:41:58 想問平湯有冇推介?
睇左呢度review 深山櫻庵好似麻麻地
想搵差唔多價位 有冇d 更好既推介 thx
AIMAR 2020-1-31 10:51:34 諗緊河口湖花水亭定箱根樂樂花
qwerr 2020-1-31 12:30:17 mozumo 啦post 頭都有
Iroha 2020-1-31 14:03:49 +1 尤其平湯真係無咩邊間好
rhmy348 2020-2-2 01:35:04 住過平田館

Post-it 2020-2-2 16:55:29 唔該晒3位意見
我再做下research 比較一下 thx
11. 2020-2-6 13:34:55 京都爆左個新確診個案

一心不亂! 2020-2-6 21:40:40 所有酒店餐廳都帶口罩啦
冬秋夏春 2020-2-16 22:48:31 有免費咩?
冬秋夏春 2020-2-16 22:53:06 係咪要光豬入去大浴場?


葬神之月 2020-3-8 19:11:00 https://twitter.com/rii_327_/status/1236202006294880256

靚女個啊爺開 因為肺炎冇人去 攪到要執

VB77 2020-3-9 17:09:12 Lm
街尾有落 2020-3-30 13:32:51 呢幾個月都冇得去日本
prokofiev 2020-4-2 22:15:02 I work in Hotel JAP Tokyo. My friend Peter has come to stay for a night as company for me while my colleagues are away. (When I'm in a hotel room, i usually have the television on for company until i go to bed.) My friend Alex has received a commission for a sculpture, a sketch, an oil painting and an article on picasso from the hotel. I should like to extend my congratulations to him for having got a commission to make a sculpture, do a sketch, paint an oil painting and write an article on picasso for the hotel since it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. I've always admired the exquisite colors of oil paintings, be it a portrait or landscape. Alex's palette consists of blues, greens and browns whereas his former classmate who's also a painter paints from a palette consisting of reds, whites and oranges. A palette, a set of paintbrushes and paints normally cost around three thousand yen altogether. A colleague of mine has recently been promoted and assigned to work at the headquarter in Osaka with which she's really pleased. I'm very pleased about her promotion too. If you happen to be staying in the aforementioned hotel, please remember the following as I work there: First of all, before washing your clothes, please remove tissues and coins from the pockets and put the dirty clothes in about two thirds the size of the wash tub. This will ensure your clothes to get evenly clean and the washing machine will less likely be out of order. Please towel off the drink after each use so as not to cause mould or mildew to grow in the drum. Second of all, please don't set the air conditioner up to more than twenty five degrees celcius. Otherwise, it won't blow cold air and will smell bad. Third, after cleaning the tables and the toilet with detergent or sudsy water, please rinse a cloth or handkerchief and wipe them again so as not to cause discoloration. Last but not least, please don't stick or nail anything to the wall as the paint will peel. Finally, enjoy your time in Japan!