紅茶花伝 2019-8-5 16:58:38 take care sis


西門奶西 2019-8-5 16:58:39 絲打有無興趣召集一班女權
我地所有女仔一齊行 一齊還手 一齊互相保護
打邊度 2019-8-5 17:11:14 巴打, 可以幫忙聨絡嗎? 想搵佢做個訪問

Lineage_hkgolden 2019-8-5 17:13:32 此回覆已被刪除
未有來電顯示 2019-8-5 17:19:24 我愛你, 你好勇敢

Btw 黑警死全家
周樟壽 2019-8-5 17:20:10 絲打加油,辛苦曬
世界和平萬眾歡騰 2019-8-5 17:25:43 take care
社畜格 2019-8-5 17:27:40 支持你
QJQ 2019-8-5 17:28:55 Feng (乞食乞車錢)Aug 5, 2019 2:43:09 AM 191

Report wrongdoing | About us: Accountability
The Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) of the United Nations has been entrusted with the responsibility of providing investigation services...
咬自己個頭 2019-8-5 17:30:57 無事就好
和利飛飛 2019-8-5 17:32:05 支持你


bbjump 2019-8-5 17:32:44 阿妹你無事就好
毒菇舵 2019-8-5 17:35:11 女神無事就好,多謝你
忍者龜 2019-8-5 17:36:24 辛苦啦 加油
ii 2019-8-5 17:38:45 此回覆已被刪除
胸毛半點墨仔 2019-8-5 17:39:45 香港警察
丙寅辛亥 2019-8-5 17:40:06 此回覆已被刪除
20170214 2019-8-5 17:41:58 此回覆已被刪除
LD50_iv 2019-8-5 17:44:47 你冇事太好了
香港新聞 2019-8-5 17:46:20 辛苦曬
你點都唔夠我大聲 2019-8-5 17:52:23 加油 支持你


婆婆跑得快 2019-8-5 17:53:33
港英漁業集團 2019-8-5 17:54:21 身處艱難氣若虹!
工展會小姐 2019-8-5 17:56:05 喺隔離post見到呢段字 send 左去比Emma Watson

Hello Emma,

We're writing to express concern over an incident involving the violation of female rights that has just happened in Hong Kong. As you may have noticed, Hong Kongers are currently experiencing police brutality on a daily basis during the process of fighting aginst the extradition bill imposed by the HK government. Earlier just now a female protestor was arrested near a local police station, during which her pants were violently ripped off against her will. The police officers made no attempt to protect her privacy which was unacceptable on any level. Since the beginning of the protests in June not one of our local feminist organizations have stood out for female rights.

We are in desperate times and sincerely seek your help in raising international concern over this matter as we can foresee more inicidents like this one are going to happen in the near future if nothing is done to stop police brutality. Thanks a lot for your time!

A group of concerned Hong Kongers
露營必需酒 2019-8-5 17:58:30 好勇敢 好正面 仲有好好嘅屋企人 加油!