喺IG將「女街坊被捕時褲被扯甩」事件DM Emma Watson
我無嘢好講 2019-8-5 03:16:19 #我無嘢講


早睡不起 2019-8-5 03:16:42 #HongKongPoliceSexualHarassment
月亮水手 2019-8-5 03:18:11 Sent
死港女 2019-8-5 03:18:35 Sent
A-肥妹 2019-8-5 03:18:38 此回覆已被刪除
你條女臭雞黎 2019-8-5 03:18:53
漆黑中吶喊的人 2019-8-5 03:19:02 女權仲有,
John Legend
Rashida jones
Natalie portman
Miley cryus
lady gaga
Econometrics 2019-8-5 03:19:14 Bump
妖狐藏馬 2019-8-5 03:19:17
疲倦流浪的太陽 2019-8-5 03:19:33 此回覆已被刪除
茶走少甜 2019-8-5 03:19:44


西人講西文 2019-8-5 03:20:04 仲有Natalie Portman
嬰兒爽身粉 2019-8-5 03:20:22 Push
L.Modric 2019-8-5 03:20:29
上中男神 2019-8-5 03:20:32 Dear Emma,

We're writing to express concern over an incident involving the violation of female rights that has just happened in Hong Kong. As you may have noticed, Hong Kongers are currently experiencing police brutality on a daily basis during the process of fighting aginst the extradition bill imposed by the HK government. Earlier just now a female protestor was arrested near a local police station, during which her pants were violently ripped off against her will. The police officers made no attempt to protect her privacy which was unacceptable on any level. Since the beginning of the protests in June not one of our local feminist organizations have stood up for female rights. 

We are in desperate times and sincerely seek your help in raising international concern over this matter as we can foresee more inicidents like this one are going to happen in the near future if nothing is done to stop police brutality. Thanks a lot for your time!

A group of concerned Hong Kongers

Send埋俾michelle obama, malala, nancy pelosi, tulsi gabbard, kamala harris!! Plllssss
L.Modric 2019-8-5 03:20:45
L.Modric 2019-8-5 03:21:24
再世華佗 2019-8-5 03:21:31 此回覆已被刪除
pplSTEPPINGppl 2019-8-5 03:22:30 Dear Emma,

We're writing to express concern over an incident involving the violation of female rights that has just happened in Hong Kong. As you may have noticed, Hong Kongers are currently experiencing police brutality on a daily basis during the process of fighting aginst the extradition bill imposed by the HK government. Earlier just now a female protestor was arrested near a local police station, during which her pants were violently ripped off against her will. The police officers made no attempt to protect her privacy which was unacceptable on any level. Since the beginning of the protests in June not one of our local feminist organizations have stood up for female rights.

We are in desperate times and sincerely seek your help in raising international concern over this matter as we can foresee more inicidents like this one are going to happen in the near future if nothing is done to stop police brutality. Thanks a lot for your time!

A group of concerned Hong Kongers
西班牙老豆Sergio 2019-8-5 03:23:11 人多嘅話,幾多字都會睇!!!
LANY 2019-8-5 03:23:24 J Law無用social media


美麗人妻 2019-8-5 03:23:46 sent!
少光陰 2019-8-5 03:24:07 #HongKongPoliceSexaulHumiliation
LANY 2019-8-5 03:24:09 已sd 希望有用
_愛我啤酒_ 2019-8-5 03:24:09