喺IG將「女街坊被捕時褲被扯甩」事件DM Emma Watson
L.Modric 2019-8-5 02:37:49 Dear Emma,

We have always admired your outspokenness on female rights issues. As you might be aware, recent protests in Hong Kong against the Extradition Law Amendment Bill have revealed intense police brutality and unwarranted police actions against protesters and even ordinary citizens, which constitute blatant violations of human rights.

Just tonight, male police officers dragged off a female arrestee’s pants and underwear in public. Not only did they refuse to let her put them back on, some officers are seen opening her legs deliberately such that her private parts are exposed in public and under cameras. She was carried into the police station. No further news about her status has been reported so far.

We are very worried about her situation and the circumstances in general. Among other efforts attempting to raise international awareness and support, we humbly plead for your concern and hope you could voice out and condemn such outrageous disrespect for women. Many thanks from Hong Kong.

Your Hong Kong fans


只要大家Send畀Emma嘅嘢喺一樣 無論篇文長定短
佢見到大家咁多人畀佢 點都睇一睇
總之大家見到就推 然後IG direct message畀Emma
記得連圖連字 我地畀佢嘅嘢一定要一致
除咗Emma 你想畀其他女權支持者一樣可以



L.Modric 2019-8-5 02:38:53
迫不得已要煎堆 2019-8-5 02:39:25 我冇嘢講
L.Modric 2019-8-5 02:39:51
淫賤小咸蟲 2019-8-5 02:39:54 幫手DM PUSH 佢老母
L.Modric 2019-8-5 02:40:09
S.Ramos 2019-8-5 02:40:10 女士們 買定隻哨子/電哨旁身呀!!!!!!!
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區

好撚心痛呀 保護自己呀
戰術大師 2019-8-5 02:41:05
L.Modric 2019-8-5 02:41:26
L.Modric 2019-8-5 02:41:41
毒獨工廠妹 2019-8-5 02:41:53


食得芫荽屌得閪 2019-8-5 02:41:57
L.Modric 2019-8-5 02:42:00
綠茶走冰 2019-8-5 02:42:09 此回覆已被刪除
魚柳包走P牌 2019-8-5 02:42:15
戰術大師 2019-8-5 02:42:47 push push push
富川一枝花 2019-8-5 02:43:23 此回覆已被刪除
L.Modric 2019-8-5 02:43:27 都係個句
塵雨 2019-8-5 02:43:30 Sent
王嘉爾坐皇家椅 2019-8-5 02:43:34
絲襪奶茶(冇絲襪) 2019-8-5 02:43:36


三日月宗近 2019-8-5 02:44:05 已sd
goog.le 2019-8-5 02:44:07
香港毒納 2019-8-5 02:44:21 Push, condemn HK police(Dog)
卡茶 2019-8-5 02:44:22