True Wireless 真無線耳機討論 (32)
油尖米 2019-8-9 22:05:13 同問
近排跌咗隻jabra 又唔想買返一樣 有線用開ie80


得意傻瓜 2019-8-9 22:19:26 耳聽為實 爬文只係有個參考/基本了解
一萬三筒三索 2019-8-9 22:41:10 T5 同 罪大
ummmmm 好難揀
有毒豬柳蛋治 2019-8-9 23:16:54
點解會分開左兩個 琴晚明明係一齊
(克)警死全家 2019-8-10 00:16:33 1. Unpair (forget device) any of the True Wireless earbuds that might have been connected to your device and turn off your Bluetooth

2. Put both earbuds into the charging case

3. Long press 8 sec on both side of the earbuds until the light indicator blinks red and blue

4. Press 5 times on each side of the earbuds and wait for a few seconds.

5. Both light indicator on the earbuds should turn purple. If it doesn't or only one side does, repeat step 3.

6. Once both side of the earbudsare purple, turn on your Bluetooth and take out one side of the earbuds.
(克)警死全家 2019-8-10 00:17:43 佢可以for你兩個devices各用一隻
西波巫 2019-8-10 00:18:29 見冇乜巴打講, 有冇巴打知隻libratone track air+ 點
同Sony xm3喺noise cancelling同音質比起黎如何?
有毒豬柳蛋治 2019-8-10 00:54:22 No puple...... try 3times..
有毒豬柳蛋治 2019-8-10 00:55:03 我唔想分開...聽歌得返一隻出到聲
王小虎 2019-8-10 01:59:09 我都想知
迷途縮栗 2019-8-10 04:54:49 有冇巴打試過哩隻覺得點 好似冇見人討論咁


茶包小企鵝 2019-8-10 09:58:59 你可唔可以唔好D廣告當評測
NISMO400R 2019-8-10 10:35:36 係咪左同右都有mic?
戒煙唔成功 2019-8-10 10:49:04 兩邊一齊收都唔掂

無雀仔嘅腳仔 2019-8-10 10:53:05

曾經出現過一次叫headset 出現一秒就變返 L R
無雀仔嘅腳仔 2019-8-10 10:53:50 仆街...出撚左個名
有毒豬柳蛋治 2019-8-10 10:54:42 兩邊都有mic 前晚一開仲係可以一次connect 曬 但收工就分開
無雀仔嘅腳仔 2019-8-10 10:57:12 我淨係顯示一邊已連線
但係兩邊都出聲 我睇唔透
戒煙唔成功 2019-8-10 10:59:34

有毒豬柳蛋治 2019-8-10 11:17:21 我用apple music 只出到一邊聲..
我是剷屎官 2019-8-10 11:27:33 Sennheiser 同 Klipsch T5 大家會點揀,
邊隻會睇片delay 得無咁犀利,我主要用黎聽MOOV 同睇片


真。教父転生 2019-8-10 11:34:41 此回覆已被刪除
柏林狗 2019-8-10 11:37:17 Sennheriser 無敵
吃不到的雞是臭的 2019-8-10 12:14:39 此回覆已被刪除
碌柒長過褲 2019-8-10 12:28:30 Iphone 冇 delay咩