好天斬落雨柴 2019-8-2 03:26:07
推 呢個好撚有用


香討仔 2019-8-2 03:28:44 此回覆已被刪除
豬扒啖啖肉 2019-8-2 03:29:38 IOS only?
LuccaQuinn 2019-8-2 03:30:04 此回覆已被刪除
一個官人七隻雞 2019-8-2 03:30:46 push
Mizuchify 2019-8-2 03:31:25 呢個必須推
Mizuchify 2019-8-2 03:31:53 快啲download曬佢 保護全部香港人安全
VTC南亞仔 2019-8-2 03:32:11
巴無春 2019-8-2 03:33:02
哈密瓜味雪糕 2019-8-2 03:36:03 Lm
Kxwx 2019-8-2 03:42:44 可參考#118回覆


Click —>Request android early access

估計app developer仍然在develop 緊Android 版本,想先行試用可以request early access,已經問緊正式版本大約幾時有。



林鄭月嫦 2019-8-2 03:46:58
粟米餃子 2019-8-2 03:49:13 push
港豬澳大屌 2019-8-2 03:49:50 大家有經濟能力就比錢啦
Ibelin 2019-8-2 03:51:18
一理通馬明 2019-8-2 03:52:19 Push
乃木坂55 2019-8-2 03:53:56 此回覆已被刪除
Kxwx 2019-8-2 03:57:35 巴打講得啱,有經濟能力既可以免費試用一個月,之後就俾月費(大約美金$9.9 一個月)。有需要既就選擇app提供俾我地既free membership。
亂世Client 2019-8-2 04:00:10 此回覆已被刪除
想點姐你打我牙笨 2019-8-2 04:01:29
Kxwx 2019-8-2 04:03:52 感謝你提出呢個問題啊!我係IT 方面既認識唔多,我會繼續研究跟進,但係app既網站上有介紹到:

Where is Parachute data stored?

By default, Parachute data is stored in a proprietary blend of storage locations, which may include the United States. The Parachute Platform lets you fully control and customize how your data is stored and archived. We offer storage options in several countries across the world and additional storage features. You may also manage storage and archiving entirely on your own, thus relying on Parachute only to route the incident from a user's phone to your servers.

Why should I trust Parachute to carry potentially controversial data?

Parachute has no affiliation with any political, economic or social cause. Our role is to provide a reliable platform for emergencies, that, much like Twitter, is open to anyone, regardless of background and beliefs. The Parachute team will never access data unless specifically asked to do so by the initiator of the incident. Should we find ourselves unable to provide a neutral service for all, we will cease to operate. Please review Privacy and email privacy@parachute.live for your privacy concerns.



倒掛賓周 2019-8-2 04:04:12 此回覆已被刪除
BlueMountain 2019-8-2 04:05:14
邊個用左個名 2019-8-2 04:07:42 大家小心未必係真
JO冒險野郎 2019-8-2 04:09:15