須藤凜々花 2019-8-2 19:36:39 此回覆已被刪除


on9小熊餅 2019-8-2 19:36:56 推!!!!!!
HSIpod 2019-8-2 20:12:29 PUSH
仁心 2019-8-2 20:14:39 推爆佢
亂世Client 2019-8-2 20:49:17 此回覆已被刪除
亂世Client 2019-8-2 21:22:03 此回覆已被刪除
Kxwx 2019-8-2 22:14:02 Unwire教學片+文 (剛出post)

醉愛東尼 2019-8-2 22:15:17 麻包袋
無奶揉 2019-8-2 22:26:48
亂世Client 2019-8-2 22:34:36 此回覆已被刪除
Kxwx 2019-8-2 23:12:10 感謝你提出啊,詳見po#520 第5點同第6點
5) 眾籌:App developer 回覆左我關於眾籌既想法(見下文),對方話十分願意免費提供服務給香港人,唔需要眾籌,亦唔想願意捐錢既人有任何被追蹤既風險。
“We are deeply thankful for your gesture to raise money for us providing free access. At this point, we are more than happy to provide this for free to HKers, so no need for any crowdfunding. In addition, we would be concerned that any financial transactions could end up being traced, thus creating a risk for anyone donating. So we feel that it is better to hold off at this time。”

6) 答謝:承接5,如果你想答謝App developer,可以寫app reviews, 同埋選擇唔用免費membership, 而係同世界各地其他用家一樣,先免費試用一個月,之後每個月支付月費(大約係$78一個月full version)


耕田将暉 2019-8-2 23:14:39
真野惠里菜老公 2019-8-2 23:15:04 lm
亂世Client 2019-8-2 23:16:47 此回覆已被刪除
Kxwx 2019-8-2 23:17:28 我緊急聯絡人收到既手機訊息(sms) 電話係+61 字頭,唔係+852呢。至於打過黎既電話,就係美國電話號碼,+1字頭。
唔準搞我後面 2019-8-2 23:26:09 Push
Kxwx 2019-8-2 23:32:10 你個問題好好啊,我問左app developer, 回覆重點係:
1)短既link係為左方便大家share ,一收到訊息,可以係手機/電腦/其他裝置打開條link 。係緊急既情況下,越快上到條link 越好。
2)為左避免有人撞link, 如果有人撞4次,app 既系統會即刻發現並block 左該ip address(大家唔好為左confirm呢個係咪真而試撞,如果唔係就會block 左你既ip address, 無得再上parachute)。
3)用家可以係建立緊急事件24小時後,上番你登記會員時收到既link 去自行刪除片段,那麼任何人都不會再找到該片段。
4)如果大家仍然擔心,app developer 會考慮係app 既settings 提供一個選項,讓大家自己選擇收到長既link 定係短既link,大家有無意見啊?
Kxwx 2019-8-2 23:35:33 會去左雲端,所有數據都係美國本土,under 美國jurisdiction

“What encryption standards does Parachute use?
All Parachute evidence travels encrypted in a secure pipe with an RSA 2048-bit key signed by a CA. We use a CAA record to prevent unauthorized entities from issuing rogue certificates. We use SSL pinning to ensure malicious governments cannot intercept our data by issuing rogue certificates. We also use HSTS to protect against downgrade attacks. To protect against email spoofing, we sign all our emails with DKIM keys, publish an SPF record, and apply a DMARC policy of "reject" across all our email systems. Organizations have the option to set up E2E encryption, which requires both parties to set up the encryption beforehand, making the data opaque to Parachute, and thus eliminating the need to trust Parachute itself. E2E encryption is only available to organizations who would like to use it, as this feature is not desirable in the normal use case of the Parachute app.”
Kxwx 2019-8-2 23:35:58 同上,會去左雲端,所有數據都係美國本土,under 美國jurisdiction
“What encryption standards does Parachute use?
All Parachute evidence travels encrypted in a secure pipe with an RSA 2048-bit key signed by a CA. We use a CAA record to prevent unauthorized entities from issuing rogue certificates. We use SSL pinning to ensure malicious governments cannot intercept our data by issuing rogue certificates. We also use HSTS to protect against downgrade attacks. To protect against email spoofing, we sign all our emails with DKIM keys, publish an SPF record, and apply a DMARC policy of "reject" across all our email systems. Organizations have the option to set up E2E encryption, which requires both parties to set up the encryption beforehand, making the data opaque to Parachute, and thus eliminating the need to trust Parachute itself. E2E encryption is only available to organizations who would like to use it, as this feature is not desirable in the normal use case of the Parachute app.”
Kxwx 2019-8-2 23:38:46 係啊,原來呢個係apple 既規定,所有iphone 如果啟用錄影功能既時候唔可以個mon 全黑既,至少都有條紅色bar 寫recording,所以個app 已經將畫面儘量最黑+最少顯示,大家如果想再秘密啲,可以將個mon 再較暗少少。
Kxwx 2019-8-2 23:40:24 見前po 既回覆,唔好意思,係唔得,因為係apple 規定所有iphone係錄影既時候,至少顯示“recording“字眼同埋bar,所以唔可以熄mon 繼續錄影既。


幾多舊魚 2019-8-2 23:41:57 得IOS
LIHKGMr.A 2019-8-2 23:48:27 要玩到好盡,可以開 voiceover (旁白) 就可以錄影冇畫面
LIHKGMr.A 2019-8-2 23:49:10 冇 account 冇 set email 咁點搵返條片?
Kxwx 2019-8-2 23:53:32 有呢個擔心都正常,我係一個非技術性用家,我覺得大家可以了解下公司背景+試用下,之後決定用唔用+推唔推介義士用+用既話點用/幾時用。關於公司背景+資料保障,可以看#520 第7點+第8點+第9點。
1)簡單黎講,呢間係美國公司,資料storage係美國本土,受美國jurisdiction 管轄。
2)至於會唔會有撞link 問題,個app 既系統內建左,如果有人撞link 4次就會即刻block。