多啲A夢 2019-8-2 13:17:43 我岩岩碌到最頂 尻打左d野


God_of_Hammer 2019-8-2 13:19:24 推上去
年初肆四 2019-8-2 13:20:12 有用要推
電視 2019-8-2 13:21:04 此回覆已被刪除
唔好再上心啦 2019-8-2 13:22:33
倒數2047 2019-8-2 13:24:02
倒數2047 2019-8-2 13:24:21
粵利粵 2019-8-2 13:25:39
好奇小子 2019-8-2 13:25:54 我都係
好奇小子 2019-8-2 13:26:24 #509咁樣?
多啲A夢 2019-8-2 13:27:43 No


真怪誕又有趣 2019-8-2 13:28:32 Push
偷人耳機正仆街 2019-8-2 13:28:48
寶琳傅家俊 2019-8-2 13:29:54 非常有用,推
多啲A夢 2019-8-2 13:30:43 樓主 我想問野

如果我activate 左Siri
死黑警俾狗屌 2019-8-2 13:31:24
奶一奶米田共產黨 2019-8-2 13:32:51

係咪 Android機未有得download?
好奇小子 2019-8-2 13:33:13 我都想知
waigorfan 2019-8-2 13:33:47 5/8全民三罷

光復香港 時代革命!
Kxwx 2019-8-2 13:33:56 補充資料:
首先感謝手足幫手推,我自己唔係技術L (普通用家,尋日下載),不過儘量回應大家既問題,同埋我都會將你地提出既問題group 埋一次過問番app developer既。

1) 下載:係尋晚凌晨個app 已經update 左,大家唔洗再send email, 只要click一下,如果個手機位置係香港,就可以有free membership(見#404)

2) Android有無:App 負責人回覆左我既email(見下文),暫時App developer 唔信任Android可以充份保障到大家既資料安全, 所以只係Apple 用家先用到,Android既版本只係美國本土先有得用。
“We have very serious security concerns with Android, and so, at the moment, it is only available inside the United States and only for Organizations that are part of the Parachute Platform (https://parachute.live/platform). Simply put, we cannot trust the safety of Android, especially in Hong Kong. iPhones have a much higher safety standard, and we have an excellent relationship with Apple. Apple has acknowledged Parachute's help in making the iPhone safer: "Security: We would like to acknowledge Marinos Bernitsas of Parachute for their assistance" (https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT209192)”

3) 緊急聯絡人:大家填左緊急聯絡人,記得同對方講番呢件事,係安全情況試用左先,要熟悉點樣用,但係亦唔好濫用呢個free service。

4) 熄mon唔得: 對唔住,我之前以為熄mon 用到,係唔得既!不過個app 本身會黑左你個mon,等其他人唔知道你錄緊。我會跟進下有無可能再upgrade 到即使熄mon 都得。

5) 眾籌:App developer 回覆左我關於眾籌既想法(見下文),對方話十分願意免費提供服務給香港人,唔需要眾籌,亦唔想願意捐錢既人有任何被追蹤既風險。
“We are deeply thankful for your gesture to raise money for us providing free access. At this point, we are more than happy to provide this for free to HKers, so no need for any crowdfunding. In addition, we would be concerned that any financial transactions could end up being traced, thus creating a risk for anyone donating. So we feel that it is better to hold off at this time。”

6) 答謝:承接5,如果你想答謝App developer,可以寫app reviews, 同埋選擇唔用免費membership, 而係同世界各地其他用家一樣,先免費試用一個月,之後每個月支付月費(大約係$78一個月full version)

7) Data去左邊 :見下文網站介紹,唔好意思,我唔識翻譯,需要技術巴絲幫手
“What encryption standards does Parachute use?
All Parachute evidence travels encrypted in a secure pipe with an RSA 2048-bit key signed by a CA. We use a CAA record to prevent unauthorized entities from issuing rogue certificates. We use SSL pinning to ensure malicious governments cannot intercept our data by issuing rogue certificates. We also use HSTS to protect against downgrade attacks. To protect against email spoofing, we sign all our emails with DKIM keys, publish an SPF record, and apply a DMARC policy of "reject" across all our email systems. Organizations have the option to set up E2E encryption, which requires both parties to set up the encryption beforehand, making the data opaque to Parachute, and thus eliminating the need to trust Parachute itself. E2E encryption is only available to organizations who would like to use it, as this feature is not desirable in the normal use case of the Parachute app.”

8) 點樣delete video/data:你自己啟用左個app 之後會收到條link, 連結去你自己錄既emergency incidents ,錄製過左24小時之後,可以開番呢條link 自己刪除事件相關資料(係自己刪除!唔係緊急聯絡人刪除),app 會back up 刪除左既 incident 資料至少30日。
“How do I delete a Parachute incident?
When you activate Parachute, we send you an email with the link to the incident, as well as a link that can be used to manage the incident. To delete the incident, just open the manage link on your phone and choose "Delete". For safety, you have to wait 24 hours before deleting an incident. We keep a backup of the deleted incident for a minimum of 30 days. If you would like the deletion of an incident managed differently, please send us an email from the address associated with your account.”

9) 有無保障:作為一個普通用家,只可以提供客觀資料給大家自行判斷,公司係美國公司,地址位於紐約,CEO 背景可見於此:https://marinosb.com/
“Parachute handles highly sensitive data from across the world every day. We take this responsibility very seriously
We never share your data with anyone but your emergency contacts
We never look at any of your data unless you ask us to
We never own your data — all data belongs to you”
詳細terms: https://parachute.live/terms
柔道龍虎榜 2019-8-2 13:37:30 有用post


Kxwx 2019-8-2 13:39:26 我自己試用經驗,利申,我用英文siri, 因為廣東話siri 成日聽唔明我講野:
例如我錄製左啟動parachute app 既voice command 係”help me",我係無解鎖既情況下,叫一聲"hey siri help me",就會即刻啟動parachute app既一連串錄音+錄影+定位+聯絡緊急聯絡人 既功能。你可以試試。記得試用。
多啲A夢 2019-8-2 13:41:06
我用完Siri 要解鎖先開始錄(但一解完 個app就開左)
倔強柴犬 2019-8-2 13:42:02
獸足 2019-8-2 13:43:05