[工程狗]2019見習工程師 揾工情報 + 失業調查 (14)
SiuChunMing 2019-8-22 18:49:20 cpjobs


Plaxis 2019-8-22 19:06:20 勁條撚咩
迪亞文迪 2019-8-22 19:09:26 見步行步 已經好過而家果間
我是個茶胡 2019-8-22 19:10:38 此回覆已被刪除
我是個茶胡 2019-8-22 19:11:11 此回覆已被刪除
就嚟失業 2019-8-22 19:14:53
就嚟失業 2019-8-22 19:15:48
我是個茶胡 2019-8-22 19:18:56 此回覆已被刪除
特特務 2019-8-22 21:21:56
跟跟跟 2019-8-22 21:47:20 好睇運跟咩job 咩team
不過要做得consultant 預左頭幾年做狗
平均一個月ot 60hr 係好合理
跟跟跟 2019-8-22 21:52:40 我唔會要求grad e記得d equation/theory (engine咁多野點記,做得多就記到有用果d ga la)
但我講完睇邊本code /pnap 加有咩要注意之後


跟跟跟 2019-8-22 21:58:26 奉勸各位civil graduate唔好做structural
真係要做cm Wong/ove la
CM Wong 基本功(包run job)教得有系統d
Ove technical theory 基本功會好d
其他都係一鳩樣 係job size 同type會唔同
工程小狗(已戒賭) 2019-8-22 22:02:54 做緊wsp都幾好
你當我柒頭傑 2019-8-22 22:17:31
環環相扣 2019-8-22 22:18:08
跟跟跟 2019-8-22 22:30:35 WSP 都叫好

咁大間公司 d則王又亂又癈 spreadsheet 又垃圾
就嚟失業 2019-8-22 23:13:42
唯他豆奶 2019-8-23 00:32:24 CM WONG 教得有系統

不過取經快係真既 exp x2咁吸
祖伯 2019-8-23 00:43:55 Civil not under building would be better
I usually use their printer after 7pm ... me..building structure.
Fuck my life
祖伯 2019-8-23 00:46:40 It is not about conversation but about the culture. I haven’t been there but have been working with some ex-chunwo staff. Only diu and diu
no purpose and whatever you right or wrong.
祖伯 2019-8-23 00:52:24 True
About salary ? Go contractor la
About experiencing and learning? Ove!

If you’re smart, meinhardt and cmwong would be recommended. The experience will be concentrated in workload. You will absorb all the thing if you want. Wsp and aecom...no la diu! Only counted on yourself.


告到你Love 2019-8-23 08:20:14 做得快唔係代表學得多


btw 間間大樓structure都係預要ot

WG 2019-8-23 11:43:21 此回覆已被刪除
細膽地盤佬 2019-8-23 12:04:43 有冇人做過中國地質 有grad e interview
迪亞文迪 2019-8-23 12:15:47 無其他選擇既話就做住先