勝利(已失敗) 2019-8-1 13:35:55 Base Excision Repair(BER):
1. DNA glycosylases cleave the N-glycosidic bond and generate AP sites (Abasic sites). Different DNA glycosylases are used to remove different damaged bases.

2. AP endonucleases cleave the DNA at the site of damage.

3. dRpase (Deoxyribophosphodiesterase) removes several sugar-phosphate residue.

4. DNA polymerase inserts new stretch of DNA and the gap is sealed by DNA ligase.


昂山seulgi 2019-8-1 13:37:47 ?
勝利(已失敗) 2019-8-1 13:38:22 Nucleotide Excision Repair (NER):
- It repairs a range of DNA damage while BER repairs lesions for specific DNA glycosylase.

1. The damaged strand is cleaved on either side of the side of lesions.

2. The damaged single strand DNA is displaced.

3. DNA polymerase synthesizes new DNA to fill the gap and seals the nick by DNA ligase
勝利(已失敗) 2019-8-1 13:38:32 revising
昂山seulgi 2019-8-1 13:42:30 放緊假都溫書咁癲
金采源田園採柑 2019-8-1 13:47:15 我求你唔好燈🙏🏻
勝利(已失敗) 2019-8-1 13:48:30 因為我嚟緊要考試
昂山seulgi 2019-8-1 13:59:12 考試都溫書咁癲
一腳踢死安俊英 2019-8-1 14:22:24 冇用spotify
勝利(已失敗) 2019-8-1 14:49:18 快啲用
公關叔叔 2019-8-1 14:59:00 我覺得你真係真心鍾意佢




一腳踢死安俊英 2019-8-1 15:27:59 不了 用開apple music
性感純情小波波 2019-8-1 15:57:16 愚台大和解
勝利(已失敗) 2019-8-1 16:14:05 垃圾先要溫書
169打沉一船人 2019-8-1 16:16:32 此回覆已被刪除
金采源田園採柑 2019-8-1 16:19:56 你係垃圾
昂山seulgi 2019-8-1 16:20:43 溫到夠合格就ok
勝利(已失敗) 2019-8-1 16:21:55 叔叔
勝利(已失敗) 2019-8-1 16:22:32 屌佢老母都唔知讀緊乜撚嘢
昂山seulgi 2019-8-1 16:24:04 問下女同學
勝利(已失敗) 2019-8-1 16:28:49 唔知點解我啲同學特別摺


昂山seulgi 2019-8-1 16:31:50 關唔關讀個科事牙
Seolhyun 2019-8-1 16:33:00
勝利(已失敗) 2019-8-1 16:34:21 唔關

勝利(已失敗) 2019-8-1 16:34:34 收聲啦