[721]見 2019-7-29 19:40:50 此回覆已被刪除


毅進仔(守廁格) 2019-7-29 19:40:53 此回覆已被刪除
清湯魚腐炸醬小米 2019-7-29 19:40:56 罷工
WillBell 2019-7-29 19:40:59
李鹵帽 2019-7-29 19:40:59 推呀dllm
身騎白馬 2019-7-29 19:41:04
再見. 2019-7-29 19:41:08 黑警屌你老母
習大敗 2019-7-29 19:41:08 其實d國際組織係咪廢架,到宜家仲唔出下手
試下唔好咁癲 2019-7-29 19:41:08
公大有男神 2019-7-29 19:41:13
αβπ 2019-7-29 19:41:14 Push


咩料啊? 2019-7-29 19:41:14
b9 2019-7-29 19:41:16
1:0 2019-7-29 19:41:17 Expired tear gas is dangerous for a number of reasons. First, the mechanism that sets off the canister and grenade can become faulty. This can lead to injury for personnel using the device. It can also make incendiary devices increasingly likely to cause fires. Secondly, the chemical compound contained in the grenade may no longer be approved according to the most recent safety tests and certificates. Thirdly, it can be even more difficult to trace expired gas canisters to their point of sale. This is because less-lethal ammunitions do not have the same kind of tracking procedures as firearms, they can be moved between storage facilities with little or no publicly accessible documentation. Just as it is unclear whether Condor is directly supplying certain countries with these devices, it is also troublesome that expired gas is still in circulation on the streets. Old equipment is meant to be taken out of circulation and destroyed according to careful environmental protocols for waste disposal.
KAYAjohn 2019-7-29 19:41:18 推到黑警仆街
50歲(破產) 2019-7-29 19:41:20 此回覆已被刪除
薑汁炒芥蘭 2019-7-29 19:41:21 應該因為2014,2016買咗太多,而家要用埋佢
霧雨アリス 2019-7-29 19:41:21
特急CHI漢 2019-7-29 19:41:22 不推不是人
本城蓮 2019-7-29 19:41:23
一個都太多 2019-7-29 19:41:27 黑警最好炸死自己友先


[721]見 2019-7-29 19:41:30 此回覆已被刪除
KAYAjohn 2019-7-29 19:41:30
希允 2019-7-29 19:41:30
PK大舊石 2019-7-29 19:41:34 推到黑警仆街