訓撚醒未呀屌你 2019-7-26 21:21:04 消防及救護人員聲明





消防及救護人員作為公務員的一份子,理應恪守政治中立原則,竭誠依法效忠政府,以不畏懼、不徇私、不敵示他人的態度執行職務。因此為了避嫌,我們本應盡量避免出席遊行集會等社運場合。我們理解這次義務行動或許會惹來「有違公務員政治中立原則」之質疑,但作為一名救援人員,我們無法以沉默回應生命的呼救,更不能對性命受威脅的市民無動於衷和袖手旁觀。正如1984 年諾貝爾和平獎得獎者,前南非聖公會大主教德斯蒙德·杜圖(Desmond Tutu)所言:「當你在不公義的情況下保持中立,你如同站在壓迫者那一邊。」在重大的社會危機下,我們先是一個人,然後才是一個「政治中立」的公務員;我們效忠政府,但更效忠於人民。




訓撚醒未呀屌你 2019-7-26 21:21:45 Dear fellow Hong Kongers,

We are a group of firemen and ambulancemen who stand by our principle of saving lives. As social issues continue to exacerbate with innocent citizens being viciously attacked by rioters at the Yuen Long MTR station, righteous indignation has called upon us to stand up. In light of the recent undesirable development, we have now voluntarily formed an action team, in our capacity when we are off-duty, to assist any injured citizens at the scene pending the arrival of on-duty police officers, firemen or ambulancemen. We hereby emphasise that we are not there to replace any on-duty fellow officers in their rescue task, and we do trust that our colleagues in the FSD would strictly observe their duties and endeavour to arrive at the scene within the shortest time possible according to our performance pledge. Our purpose is to provide assistance and emergency treatment to the injured within the waiting time.

We do not represent the authorities and do not dare to claim that we represent the majority of our colleagues in the absence of any consultation or voting amongst us. We only represent ourselves, and we strive to ensure the safety of citizens during our off-duty hours. We wish to disclose the identities of our team members, not to win your hearts nor seek your attention, but to assure anyone in danger that someone around will be able to help. Someone with first aid qualification and experience is standing by and ready to offer you any emergency treatment. You are not alone.

Firemen and Ambulancemen, as part of the civil servants, shall truly and sincerely serve the Hong Kong Government in adherence to our principle of political neutrality and by performing our duties fearlessly, equally and without hostility. Accordingly, to avoid any misunderstanding, we know we should refrain from attending any social movement occasions such as demonstration or assembly. We understand that this voluntary action could arouse suspicion or criticism as to the principle of political neutrality of civil servants, but as a rescuer, it goes against our will and values to respond to any call for help with inaction, or to ignore, or be indifferent to people whose lives are at stake. As rightly stated by Desmond Tutu, the former South African Anglican Cleric who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984, “if you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” In such a major social crisis, we must first be a human, then a “politically-neutral” civil servant. It is our duty to serve the Government, but ultimately and more importantly, it is the people whom we serve.

We condemn violence, and we plead for all of you to squarely face the issue of violence. Violence is not limited to the physical kind, but also the intangible kind of structural violence. The former is visual and noticeable and could cause serious injury or even death, but when emergency treatment could be provided in time, wounds could still heal in good time.

On the contrary, while the latter form of violence may be difficult to realise, its consequence could be way more far-reaching and devastating. Such invisible violence is considered by many as the root cause of the current social crisis, and it is this very sort of violence against which our rescuers’ hands are tied. In the circumstances, we must hereby ask all responsible Government officials to come forward, with political accountability, moral values, and courage, and respond sincerely and constructively to requests of society, to save the people from further misery.

A group of firemen and ambulancemen
mindful of their values and intention.

You are not alone!
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- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
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- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
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727奇招: 智取元朗!道德抗暴!
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
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煩過豬西 2019-7-26 21:29:35 Respect
一隻象 2019-7-26 21:29:52 真英雄,多謝
玩撚大佐 2019-7-26 21:30:24 大家記得要幫消防爭取薪酬調整喇
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Show胳肋底 2019-7-26 21:32:38 此回覆已被刪除
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允行- 2019-7-26 21:33:52 Respect
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你條女係雞黎 2019-7-26 21:34:33 omg this is great!!!