[數撚圍爐區] 毅進制是怎樣運作的? (16)
數學白痴 2019-7-27 12:39:42


今朝冇酒 2019-7-27 14:02:50 此回覆已被刪除
數學白痴 2019-7-27 17:49:32
Captain拿魚 2019-7-27 18:48:07
數學白痴 2019-7-27 22:49:57
防暴lin 2019-7-27 23:41:55 David-M-Elementary-Number-Theory-7th-Ed
Captain拿魚 2019-7-27 23:43:30
今朝冇酒 2019-7-28 12:53:49 此回覆已被刪除
Captain拿魚 2019-7-28 13:36:58
Captain拿魚 2019-7-28 13:41:29
今朝冇酒 2019-7-28 14:03:49 此回覆已被刪除


日向葵海駒田多惠 2019-7-28 14:10:57
萬碎萬萬碎 2019-7-28 14:18:28
數學白痴 2019-7-28 15:14:02
Captain拿魚 2019-7-29 13:18:12
數學白痴 2019-7-29 13:37:48
prokofiev 2019-7-29 16:15:52 I can ask my friend who’s a mathematics professor 👨🏻‍🏫 at city university if you want. He along with his team are currently solving a very difficult math question for all they’re worth. Hopefully they’ll find an answer to it soon.
今朝冇酒 2019-7-30 08:41:34 此回覆已被刪除
灰鞋Asso仔 2019-7-30 11:17:05 此回覆已被刪除
Captain拿魚 2019-7-30 11:26:38
敏敏Minmin 2019-7-30 11:45:18 等船巴教


滅殺豪昇龍 2019-7-30 18:51:58 https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/45945/where-does-the-term-integral-domain-come-from
數學白痴 2019-7-30 19:07:59
Captain拿魚 2019-7-30 19:15:11
今朝冇酒 2019-7-31 14:42:02 此回覆已被刪除