想搵人組團學吓野 (結他, 畫畫, 泰拳, 煮野食, 韓文, 日文)
泰迪熊熊BEAR 2019-8-6 10:16:16


泰迪熊熊BEAR 2019-8-6 16:49:40
泰迪熊熊BEAR 2019-8-6 22:57:54
泰迪熊熊BEAR 2019-8-7 05:23:54
泰迪熊熊BEAR 2019-8-7 23:16:36
泰迪熊熊BEAR 2019-8-8 09:50:24
泰迪熊熊BEAR 2019-8-8 11:45:10
泰迪熊熊BEAR 2019-8-9 00:14:56
泰迪熊熊BEAR 2019-8-9 22:30:22
Chain 2019-8-10 01:25:15 填左先 不過現家咁既時勢未有心機學住
嘉頓山伯爵 2019-8-10 05:57:52 有無人想玩木工 見二人同行平兩舊


嘉頓山伯爵 2019-8-10 06:01:59 不過我唔係諗住報啲一日或幾堂工作坊嗰啲,係真係由認識基本開始、學榫同砌舊嘢咁。暫時留意咗:木民基礎班12堂$3000,二人同行平兩舊。工聯會12堂$2050無同行優惠,純粹if有人想一齊玩。或者有人知第間都可推薦下話我聽
泰迪熊熊BEAR 2019-8-10 10:31:27
大明小明中明 2019-8-10 10:48:43 c想學沖咖啡
泰迪熊熊BEAR 2019-8-11 09:19:32
enstant 2019-8-11 09:20:10 日文
泰迪熊熊BEAR 2019-8-11 21:55:31
泰迪熊熊BEAR 2019-8-12 11:20:14
prokofiev 2019-8-12 18:35:23 My cousin loves painting 🖼 but alas she has no talent for it. It never really progressed beyond the stage of painting cartoon characters. Her great great grandfather 👴🏻 was a violinist during the romantic period. He started by performing in salons and then progressed to big concert halls. Her elder brother started off his career as a junior accountant in a local accounting firm and then progressed to an accounting manager in an international firm. I had a nice chat with him last week. We started off discussing his career plans and gradually the conversation progressed to our favourite movies🎬 Her younger brother started off as a security guard but quickly progressed to a manager. I enjoy chatting with him but whenever I chat with him we never seem to progress beyond kickboxing.
泰迪熊熊BEAR 2019-8-12 19:07:20
泰迪熊熊BEAR 2019-8-13 10:35:59


このすば 2019-8-13 12:15:32 報左名無覆
沈門明燈卡多 2019-8-13 12:16:13 此回覆已被刪除
lPenumbral 2019-8-13 22:08:31 我都係。。。
痴左咩線 2019-8-13 22:11:22 tg好啲