[謹記五大訴求, 黑警仆街死] AC米蘭球迷討論區 (145)
尼斯達 2019-7-24 14:57:04 我等近印牙華


🇯🇵Honda_10 2019-7-24 14:57:42 即係傷幾耐
基拉大和 2019-7-24 15:07:10 睇落全部都唔係大傷,仲有成個月先開季應該趕得切
二石四鳥 2019-7-24 15:14:13 純粹扭親, 冇骨折
🇯🇵Honda_10 2019-7-24 15:15:52 其他人都係好快好返
Komova 2019-7-24 15:15:56 雞巴哥係咪好開心

🇯🇵Honda_10 2019-7-24 15:16:44 單deal 100%冇灣轉?
Komova 2019-7-24 15:16:58 唔知點解硬係覺得玩玩下就變大傷, 好似CONTI 同卡達咁
🇯🇵Honda_10 2019-7-24 15:17:57 哇屌你
🇯🇵Honda_10 2019-7-24 15:18:52 未傾掂張約就飛去體驗,屌你老母都on99
石破熊河飯 2019-7-24 15:18:58 佢j緊


汴梁趙明 2019-7-24 15:19:16 點解班友仔咁後生都咁易傷.... c朗三十中都唔覺佢有傷過.........
R籮卡卡 2019-7-24 15:28:53 In 米蘭實驗室 We Trust
登入 2019-7-24 15:35:02 此回覆已被刪除
浩氣長存 2019-7-24 15:45:38 以前阿祖安奴咪又係咁
病院阪黑貓 2019-7-24 15:51:39 傾掂左都可以屈人牙痛彈飛
病院阪黑貓 2019-7-24 15:54:39 Mendes blocked Silva because he wants more commissions on Correa. It is still on the whole.
浩氣長存 2019-7-24 15:59:03 等你地仲j文迪斯
古巨基 2019-7-24 15:59:44 擺明玩馬隊
二石四鳥 2019-7-24 16:08:39 睇返 Correa經理人好似唔係Mendes喎
🇯🇵Honda_10 2019-7-24 16:09:49 fact chat?


古巨基 2019-7-24 16:11:58 借個位

- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
🇯🇵Honda_10 2019-7-24 16:20:40 Juventus SD Paratici has told Milan that to date, Demiral is not for sale. He explained that they wanted to keep Demiral due to Chiellini's injury problems. However, it does not exclude the possibility of a reopening from Juventus in the coming weeks.

Milan continue to insist for Demiral, as Giampaolo has set him as his number one target for the defence, despite Juventus' resistance. [@FabrizioRomano]

giaxxxxx order
病院阪黑貓 2019-7-24 16:21:51
#61228 2019-7-24 16:53:05 點名了,新契仔