LIHKG 職業摔角討論 (13) All Elite Wrestling AEW當道
R.Gronkowski 2020-3-27 14:32:46 開打2 秒 -> Spear
-> Jackhammer
-> pinfall


電子音樂撚 2020-3-27 22:40:33 Replacements:
Braun, Cesaro, Nakamura, Jeff, Ali, Roode, Sheamus

80%係Braun,咁唔知係Goldberg retains定Braun贏
Rabiot25 2020-3-27 22:57:38 如果對Braun仲出唔出到Jackhammer
重炮手 2020-3-28 00:28:12 WWE 變左ATV , 對住d空位歡呼,口up up
Dream.OVER 2020-3-28 00:42:23
華可可 2020-3-28 00:47:21 會唔會炒左renee
華可可 2020-3-28 00:49:15 今個星期wwe明顯向aew抄左d橋,鏡頭上靈活左。
NU_ABO 2020-3-28 01:07:27 炒左咪過AEW
Dream.OVER 2020-3-28 01:15:26 renee 有去njpw wrestle kingdom
又有去aew revolution
拎family pass入後台 post哂相上ig

still alive
我們一起學喵叫 2020-3-28 01:23:54 是撚但啦,無劇情嘅比賽好難投入,仲要搵d老餅返黎打兩分鐘就完場,你話搵the rock打austin就話啫,wm有好多場比賽都係無storyline
我們一起學喵叫 2020-3-28 01:25:11 matt hardy瞬間轉移個gimmick無現場觀眾先可以玩


齋藤飛鳥老公 2020-3-28 08:44:38 Wrestlemania 啲Cards 真係垃圾到

冇劇情舖排可言 一條line都冇
真係唔做好過做 老麥幾時先壽終正寢
華可可 2020-3-28 09:03:27 睇news miz都病埋,WM cards預左亂晒籠,
NU_ABO 2020-3-28 10:21:24 普通病定中左武肺
華可可 2020-3-28 10:22:33 好似話有感冒徵狀,返左屋企
野味大雄_ 2020-3-28 10:27:04 其實蝕錢都應該要postpone
Dream.OVER 2020-3-28 17:37:16 vince 幾時中肺炎死
崩撃雲身雙虎掌 2020-3-29 19:06:49 又玩互啤,今次仲要30分鐘

KennyOmega 2020-3-29 23:31:10
山風老豆(真波) 2020-4-1 11:26:05 而家DDT有得免費睇,去到4月30
我們一起學喵叫 2020-4-1 15:51:39 日本仔好似無乜點防疫,其實好危險,有d團體照俾觀眾入場


prokofiev 2020-4-1 16:57:53 Kane is an Aquarius while his wife is a Taurus. Originally, Kane had a press conference along with eight more wrestlers but it was delayed for four hours. As time passed, tempers flared and harsh words were exchanged. As they scuffled, violence flared up. Several wrestlers who dressed in flared jeans were injured in scuffles with The Undertaker and Kurt Angle. As fighting flared up, even Vince McMahon and Stone Cold Steve Austin were injured. Kane went back home before the press conference began because he threw a barbecue party at his house. When some of his friends were barbecuing some steaks they slit too much oil, causing the barbecue to flare up. As his friends were barbecuing some chicken, there was a sudden flare. As time went by, the sky was getting darker so they began lighting candles; some candkes flared up then flickered, others flickered then went out. Kane set off the fireworks. His sister helped to let off the fireworks. Everybody else stood there, admiring the flares of the fireworks. After four hours, the press conference finally began. Conflict flared during the news conference which at one point threatened to flare into a lawsuit. Half an hour later, the conflict quieted down but trouble began to flare in several cities simultaneously. Kane's sister has lots of clothes in her wardrobe, such as a formal dress that flare out into a train, a pair of flares that flares at the ankle, a skirt that flares just above the knees, a pair of chinos that flares just above the ankle and a skirt with flares. Kane has a horse in his garden. It's funny. When he's late to feed his horse, the horse's nostrils will flare in anger. Then Kane will flare his nostrils back to communicate with it. Both Kane and his sister have a breezy smile and a breezy personality. They're both easy-going people. I like their breezy manner.
R.Gronkowski 2020-4-1 19:20:49 哩啲真係冇觀眾先可以咁玩
崩撃雲身雙虎掌 2020-4-1 19:50:30 上次天龍引退大會同諏訪魔比人boo到

有人cut 咗段highlight 好正
Dream.OVER 2020-4-1 23:07:34