宮澤有紀寧 2019-8-8 14:03:23 14隻跑 第十都有廿萬美金 幾闊佬


MVP一眉 2019-8-8 14:04:07 此回覆已被刪除
攔路卡比獸 2019-8-8 14:19:19 澳洲嗰The Everest都係冇G1但高獎金
問題係唔熟Saudi Cup嗰比賽場地
高過高雅志 2019-8-8 14:24:18 傳承會唔會報
宮澤有紀寧 2019-8-8 14:26:59 泥黎架
ケッピ 2019-8-8 14:32:36 試閘之星啦
高過高雅志 2019-8-8 15:25:53 郭生:咁多錢 照殺
宮澤有紀寧 2019-8-8 17:07:15 軍民歡 GOOD OMEN B208 葉楚航 韋達 08/08/2019
高過高雅志 2019-8-8 17:46:52 要贏G1了
睇書要靜 2019-8-8 17:53:32 終於到郭生
宮澤有紀寧 2019-8-8 19:16:31



攔路卡比獸 2019-8-9 00:08:47 唔識英文冇計傾咋?
LIKLN 2019-8-9 01:34:11 馬會員工促管理層取消警員駐馬場、取消開鑼日特首盃 8.14 前不回應按章工作及考慮罷工

2019/8/3 — 10:31




主席周永健博士 SBS JP丶行政總裁應家柏先生 JP


整場因修例而引起的危機,源於特首林鄭月娥的獨裁丶傲慢,以為手握權力,就可以為所欲為。六月九日百萬市民上街抗議,要求撒回,竟然視而不見 聽而不聞,當晚立即宣布如期恢復二讀,結果觸發六月十二日市民激烈抗爭,引發大規模警民衝突,警方以不成比例武力驅散示威者。林鄭月娥其後宣布停止立法工作,但堅拒撒回。市民不滿情緒至今未減,而持續的示威活動,產生更嚴重的警察濫用暴力問題,最後在7月21日元朗發生黑幫無差別攻擊無辜市民事件,震驚國際。但更令人震驚的是由特首丶保安局官員以至警務處長均不作處理,徹查元朗警區或警隊高層是否知情下縱容黑幫襲擊市民。





LIKLN 2019-8-9 01:34:33 【Open letter from a group of HKJC staff to the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer】

To Chairman Dr Anthony W K Chow SBS JP, CEO Mr Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges JP

We are a group of staff of the Hong Kong Jockey Club. Regarding the development of the Anti-Extradition Law Movement starting June 9 and the current situation of Hong Kong, we wish to express the following:

The crisis stemming from the Fugitive Offenders Bill arises out of Carrie Lam’s dictatorial arrogance, her assuming she can do whatever she wants when she is in the seat of authority. The voice of one million people who took to the street on June 9 requesting withdrawal of the Bill fell on deaf ears and it was announced on the same night that second reading of the bill would take place as scheduled. It triggered fierce fight by the public on June 12 and sparked mass confrontations and clashes between the Police and protesters. The Police used inappropriate and excessive force to disperse protesters. Carrie Lam subsequently announced a stop to all legislation work on the Bill but not stopped short of withdrawing it. The anger of the Hong Kong people has been escalating since and incessant protests have led to another serious issue of abusive use of force by the Police. That deteriorated into the Yuen Long July 21 triad gangsters’ indiscriminate attack on citizens. The assault scenes shocked the world. But even more shocking was failure on the part of the Chief Executive, the Secretary for Security and the Commissioner of Police to investigate whether the Yuen Long Police or senior members of the Police force have condoned the triad gangsters’ attack with prior knowledge.

We, as HongKongers, believe Hong Kong is now in a deep political crisis largely because of serious faults in Carrie Lam’s arrogance and her questionable ability to lead the administration and her arrogance. The Government has lost its moral high ground after the Yuen Long violent attacks as it is perceived to have given a freehand to the triad gangsters to attack citizens without forcefully pursuing the grave matter. In a strong contrast, the Government has swiftly arrested and charged 44 protesters with rioting offence for the Sheung Wan clashes. Hong Kong’s law and justice are being despicably trampled, and it is blatant for all to see. It saddens all Hong Kong people.

Hong Kong Jockey Club is an important organization in our society: much more than simply a betting organization, HKJC is a multi-social service provider, non-profit making entity, a conservation work promotor, and a charity organization held in high regards by the public. We urge you, in the capacity of the Chairman/ CEO of HKJC, to issue a public letter to Carrie Lam requesting her to agree to the public’s well-known 5 demands in order to help rebuild confidence in the society. And throughout the Anti-China-Extradition Movement, many members of the police force have been seen in severe violation of the rules and regulations applicable to disciplinary services of Hong Kong; we hope HKJC will request the Security Bureau to demand proper execution of practices of the police force including but not limited to showing warrant cards.

In the Yuen Long attack, the Police is widely suspected of collusion with triad gangsters. This has seriously damaged the trust in the Police. We urge HKJC to scrap police outposts at HKJC sites, and replace them with HKJC’s own security staff.

Carrie Lam treads on justice and ignores opinions of the Hong Kong people. No due condolences have been expressed over the injuries and the suicides of the young. Instead, delay tactics have been used to try turn things things around (in vain of course); there is no sincerity to resolve the persisting conflicts. In view of this, we, a group of staff, hereby officially ask HKJC, in public, to cancel the HKSAR Chief Executive’s Cup on the first racing day this year.
LIKLN 2019-8-9 01:34:46 We look forward to receiving a public reply from the Chairman/ CEO of HKJC before Aug 14. Should there be no affirmative responses to points 3, 4 and 5 above, we will work to rule and consider further strike actions in protest.
LIKLN 2019-8-9 01:35:24 https://thestandnews.com/politics/%E9%A6%AC%E6%9C%83%E5%93%A1%E5%B7%A5%E4%BF%83%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86%E5%B1%A4%E5%8F%96%E6%B6%88%E8%AD%A6%E5%93%A1%E9%A7%90%E9%A6%AC%E5%A0%B4-%E5%8F%96%E6%B6%88%E9%96%8B%E9%91%BC%E6%97%A5%E7%89%B9%E9%A6%96%E7%9B%83-8-14-%E5%89%8D%E4%B8%8D%E5%9B%9E%E6%87%89%E6%8C%89%E7%AB%A0%E5%B7%A5%E4%BD%9C%E5%8F%8A%E8%80%83%E6%85%AE%E7%BD%B7%E5%B7%A5/
宮澤有紀寧 2019-8-9 12:48:33 佢識唔識就唔知 不過佢都有喺英國學過野
攔路卡比獸 2019-8-9 14:40:38 社台買咗Bricks and Mortar

Agentz1 2019-8-9 18:39:44 Enable 贏咗KGVI都係加咗兩分去到126分 仍然排係Crystal Ocean 嘅127分之後
草上飛 2019-8-9 18:45:02 獅子出咗院,希望早日康復啦
宮澤有紀寧 2019-8-9 19:59:45 日本排第一嗰隻仲係勝出光采


宮澤有紀寧 2019-8-10 14:41:05 龜波氣功
攔路卡比獸 2019-8-10 15:04:18 夏威夷王都走埋 RIP

令和元年 社台兩大台柱走哂

的士狗 2019-8-10 15:27:44 此回覆已被刪除
福永祐一 2019-8-10 17:18:53 今年暑假一個post都推唔爆