有冇做緊酒店嘅巴絲打 (5)
小倉由菜 2019-9-8 00:33:01 同舊年比差好多


抑鬱人生 2019-9-8 00:38:15 今年有1.5都偷笑
柔道黑熊 2019-9-8 01:00:51 幾多房左右?
你聽下我解釋先啦 2019-9-8 01:55:46 今日啲人唔知做乜事係咁訂房,由20升上80幾90,CLS,仲要帶往個新人,b更所有做既都由我做哂,有時真係想做做下話不如一槍打死我
壞左嘅女人 2019-9-8 02:50:55 我都係
on day 成一百隻 點搞
金鐘ipad 2019-9-8 03:19:54 On day 100
Venezia 2019-9-8 10:57:48 咩事
扎實個鐵馬 2019-9-8 22:28:55 700房得12%
梳b 2019-9-8 23:01:34 反而我600房keep 住都有40-45%
黑白/是/良知 2019-9-8 23:06:48 邊區
3000 2019-9-9 13:17:54


黑白/是/良知 2019-9-9 16:00:32 有酒店由七月開始做38蚊自助早餐,做到依家
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區

隔離屋李生 2019-9-9 18:08:15 仆街,pick up好勁
prokofiev 2019-9-9 18:13:46 My cousin has been wondering about setting up a hotel business. I think it's worth a try. My brother too thinks it's worth giving it a go. He will try to get official sanctions for building it in a particular area. I think the government will sanction his proposal.
prokofiev 2019-9-9 23:47:01 My friend Joe has been wondering about setting up a hotel business. I think it's worth a try. My brother too thinks it's worth giving it a go. He'll try to get official sanction for building it in a particular area. I would've imagined the government will sanction his plans.
時鐘似簷蓬滴雨聲 2019-9-10 00:16:48 有冇人有洒店炒散介紹?
柔道黑熊 2019-9-10 00:41:18 唔好玩啦 呢期好附間都cut炒散
蛋炒蕃茄 2019-9-10 01:28:29 係 本身暑期請果啲pt都全部cut晒 跑到upsell都冇情講
小倉由菜 2019-9-10 19:27:15
柔道黑熊 2019-9-11 12:13:48 咁撚慘

攬豬高手 2019-9-11 21:55:48


隔離屋李生 2019-9-12 01:54:21 有冇人可以share吓hotel vic rebrand咗之後嘅近況?
蝴蝶夢裡醒來 2019-9-12 02:31:58 想問依間jun幾錢人工
哇哇哇打到黎 2019-9-12 18:18:02 好似15左右 upsell commission ard 2-3k
Benefit 就應該好左啲啲既 起碼有comp房
火腿蛋治 2019-9-12 21:39:37 Concierge 小薯路過