有冇做緊酒店嘅巴絲打 (5)
轉轉戇鳩狗 2019-8-22 23:13:35 依家炒人都黎唔切應該無檔要人


柔道黑熊 2019-8-22 23:45:10 我部門最近請左人

不過計head count仲差4個人
劏緊房既波 2019-8-23 00:23:03 我個度都係head count -4
尹龍彬 2019-8-23 12:06:10 有咩酒店仲請人... poly shtm fg冇人請
BBG 2019-8-23 12:11:32 上個月簽左新約去新檔

好驚會唔會cut budget玩鳩我
劏緊房既波 2019-8-23 12:12:13 照send cv算,有得見就見
劏緊房既波 2019-8-23 12:12:34 東涌?
BBG 2019-8-23 12:13:44 驚自爆

劏緊房既波 2019-8-23 12:17:13
BBG 2019-8-23 12:19:01 呢個時候


有富貴時又cut b仔
大奶西瓜 2019-8-23 12:19:03


劏緊房既波 2019-8-23 12:20:50 日日都聽到,辛苦哂~唔該哂~頂住啊!
隔離屋李生 2019-8-23 12:57:02 想問吓東涌Accor間新檔上個月recruitment day之後有冇人有消息?
尹龍彬 2019-8-23 13:16:38 In咗 但無
鳩UP唔洗本 2019-8-23 13:54:13 屌聽到火都黎
BBG 2019-8-23 14:08:38 過新檔好驚比人cut筆直開刀

3000 2019-8-23 15:08:19
BBG 2019-8-23 15:11:50
大奶西瓜 2019-8-23 15:32:54
劏緊房既波 2019-8-23 15:33:00 依間唔係精品酒店咩?
劏緊房既波 2019-8-23 15:33:47 求介紹


大奶西瓜 2019-8-23 15:38:32 做開咩位
www.yahoo.com.hk 2019-8-23 15:53:53 依家係咪死氣沉沉
prokofiev 2019-8-23 16:21:16 When I’m in a hotel room I usually have the television on for company until I go to bed. In addition, I find the Japanese culture very different to our culture. We enjoy yum cha whereas they e HKU drinking green tea 🍵 and watching baseball at bars for company rather than at home 🏡 soaking up the atmosphere. I came to japan in the company of my brother last month. It was a long journey and I was grateful for his company. I’m in my friend Tomio’s house. I enjoy his company. He’s just popped upstairs to get a book. His elder brother has popped to a bank to get some cash whereas his younger brother has popped into a shop to get some violin scores. Rika will pop in and see us later. Her boyfriend too will pop over and visit us tomorrow. They’re good company. Rika said she deserved a promotion but instead her colleague was given the promotion because her boss is biased towards her colleague. I said that’s the way the cookie crumbles. Apparently her manager is also biased against her but in favour of her colleague. Oh well. She said “don’t talk about it when we’re in company.” Next week I’ll pop over to Rika’s place to see if I could play on her viola. I prefer the company of musicians. Rika’s browsing in a clothes shop. Before she pops in, I’ll go for a browse around a bookshop then pop into the bank to open a bank account. She enjoys her own company and so do I. By the way, she’s just called and said she finally got a promotion. The opportunity that she’d waited for so long has finally come along. Opportunities like this doesn’t always come along. After she left the shop, her friend came along in her car and offered her a lift to a restaurant to celebrate with her. I enjoy strolling hand in hand with my wife along the nearby beach. In fact, I went there yesterday. With only my thoughts for company I lied on the beach reading a book. It felt very enjoyable. Rika’s just arrived. I didn’t realise she had company. When she leaves tonight I’ll keep her company until the bus comes.
劏緊房既波 2019-8-23 16:57:49 club floor/concierge 都可以

只要唔係fnb 就得