『薪火Post』BNO續期資訊(44) 聯合聲明已壽終正寢,入黎Join Queue圍爐啦
aapl 2019-7-14 11:08:36 移民官:用咗成年都唔甩色?唔使check就知係假


改名改到想喊 2019-7-14 11:24:09 咁點計都係英國護照 都算半個自己人
LuluTung 2019-7-14 11:30:12 Thanks 咁多位ching
時空旅行者 2019-7-14 11:50:54 支那
失控 2019-7-14 11:54:18 填左999077
az-687 2019-7-14 11:56:01
西木野真姫 2019-7-14 12:20:58 用咗4年去過十幾次旅行都未甩
酸民治日鮮 2019-7-14 12:45:28 其實我本2006年版都係打斜咗黎印
時空旅行者 2019-7-14 12:47:16
秋元真夏老公 2019-7-14 12:48:23 我老豆果本係寫British Subject : CUKC
五河琴里 2019-7-14 12:52:45 留名


薛揩油 2019-7-14 13:04:23 有冇用套先
得一想二 2019-7-14 13:11:02 我老豆3本都有齊晒
都唔係路嘅 2019-7-14 13:13:45 If you were born before 1 January 1983
You became a British overseas territories citizen on 1 January 1983 if both of these applied:

you were a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies (CUKC) on 31 December 1982
you had connections with a British overseas territory because you, your parents or your grandparents were born, registered or naturalised in that British overseas territory
You also became a British overseas territories citizen if you were a woman married to a man who became a British overseas territories citizen on 1 January 1983.

Hong Kong
If you were a British overseas territories citizen only because of your connection with Hong Kong you lost that citizenship on 30 June 1997 when sovereignty returned to China.

However, you became a British overseas citizen if either:

you had no other nationality and would have become stateless
you were born on or after 1 July 1997 and would have been born stateless if one of your parents was a British national (overseas) or British overseas citizen when you were born
司徒力持 2019-7-14 13:42:19 此回覆已被刪除
まどか 2019-7-14 13:44:59 不能

司徒力持 2019-7-14 13:48:55 此回覆已被刪除
薛揩油 2019-7-14 13:50:04
司徒力持 2019-7-14 13:52:04 此回覆已被刪除
JohnSmith 2019-7-14 13:59:57 你唔係差一個月,係差成年

JohnSmith 2019-7-14 14:00:08 你唔係差一個月,係差成年



春袋了無痕 2019-7-14 14:45:36 近日開始有股聲音,要求為97淪陷前父或母任何一方係香港永久居民,而佢當時未滿18歲香港永久居民重開BNO申請 (理由係佢地當時未有足夠心智為自己前程做選擇,同時冇理由受父母政治取向決定),巴打你多留意有關BNO新聞,如果真係有人正式向英國政府要求平權,希望你作出支持。
司徒力持 2019-7-14 14:51:41 此回覆已被刪除
時空旅行者 2019-7-14 17:28:56 真係壽終正寢
訓屋邨四十座 2019-7-14 17:45:22