[唔好俾佢停] 福岡、長崎、大分、佐賀有咩好玩? (9)
牛仔 2019-9-30 23:57:16 假如:

Day10, 鹿兒島返港


巨浪大切卡樂B 2019-10-1 21:31:55 天有不測之風雲

過眼似煙吹 2019-10-2 01:07:18 如果朝早由博多出發,去別府加由布院,夜晚又番博多,會唔會太chur


隨遇而安的人 2019-10-2 13:59:12 「TaiwanWarmPower」今晚(15日)在臉書發文,呼籲民眾一同連署「德國聯邦議會第95643號請願書」 ,支持「請求德國與中華民國(台灣)建立外交關係」,內文中指出迫害人權的中共不應代表民主自由的台灣。小編表示,可參考連署教學影片,2分鐘左右的時間就能完成簽署,如能在10月9日前達成5萬人連署,就有機會將此議題送進德國國會。


Source: https://m.ltn.com.tw/news/world/breakingnews/2916703

連署教學from TW:


大家幫下手, 聯台灣抗邪惡強国

曾呼吸過空氣 2019-10-2 16:12:00 遲1分鐘入唔到軍艦島???
牛仔 2019-10-2 18:37:47 博多來回別府大分五個幾鐘,加埋你搭巴士時間

過眼似煙吹 2019-10-2 19:54:00 巴打 我都係決定兩者揀其一
巨浪大切卡樂B 2019-10-2 20:37:43 講得沒錯, 放假就係用黎休息養心,


有時D 景點好靚但係真實去到未必係你期待.

如果你真係鐘意果個地方, 可以留等下次有機會再去都得姐...
過眼似煙吹 2019-10-2 21:34:55 多謝你阿巴打
prokofiev 2019-10-2 23:18:43 There's a pageant of which the final round will take place in Fukuoka. I would imagine Aiko seems highly likely to enter the final round. My Japanese friend Keita has received a commission to compose a waltz for the pageant as one of the contestants will be showcasing her waltz dance which we can't wait to see. Let me offer him my congratulations for getting a commission for a waltz from the pageant since it's a rare opportunity. I endorse the congratulations to my friend Kawai on having progressed through the preliminary round. She's a contestant in the beauty contest and I won't be surprised if she progresses through the semifinal. I remember two decades ago there was a protest where the protestors clashed with the police in Fukuoka. I saw it on NHK then. I thought the police weren't tough enough. All the riot police were holding a truncheon in one hand and a shield in the other hand. In this way you can't really fight the protestors and arrest them since you have no free hands to grab ahold of them. That's why it took four policemen to catch hold of one demonstrator. From a fighting angle, some of the riot police should be holding just a nightstick, some just a shield, the other both. And all of them should be trained as to how they fight when they're holding just a shield, holding just a baton and holding both. It was a disaster. I didn't think Fukuoka had ever been so chaotic before. The police who I wholeheartedly supported only used tear smoke in an attempt to drive the demonstrators away which was clearly not enough. The police shouldn't have been afraid of being criticised for using excessive force because it was utterly not the case. Firing rubber bullets and bean bags at the protestors was necessary, lawful and appropriate. Those who sabotaged the nearby buildings and the railings should've been thrown in prison. The train network was paralysed by the strike for weeks. The world had brought the city to the edge of a catastrophe. The united states had already imposed trade sanctions on Japan. The then US president said he would take punitive action against Japan if the police there used excessive force. Japan was afraid that America would toughen punitive import duties still further on alcohol, clothes, food and agricultural products and worse still they would convince the other nations to impose international economic sanctions against the country. Of course, the downside was the costs of the products in America which they imposed import tariffs on would rise still higher. The economic sanctions against the country wouldn't be dropped until the then US president's presidency ended a year later. By the way, for Tokyo a dazzling sun has been forecast for the whole month. In Osaka there's been a long spell of dry hot weather whereas in Kyoto there's been a long spell of wet cold weather just right for cycling. In Nagasaki the weather forecast is for a hot and sunny day and a warm and breezy night tomorrow just right for swimming. In Hong Kong the weather forecast is for sunny spells and scattered showers.
prokofiev 2019-10-2 23:34:23 Holiday ing Fukuoka this autumn is your best bet since the yen has fallen fairly rapidly over the last three months. For Kagoshima light rain has been forecast for tomorrow whereas for Miyazaki heavy snowfalls and scattered hail showers have been predicted. For Fukuoka, a sunny and breezy day has been predicted just right for sailing while for Hiroshima, heavy rainfall and scattered sleet showers have been forecast. In Okinawa the weather forecast said it was going to be hot and sunny today. It also stated there would be dry sunny spells and scattered snow showers tomorrow. Of course, snow showers and sleet showers are much better than wintry showers and thundery showers. In Fukuoka it was sunny earlier but now it's sleeting. Yesterday I forgot my umbrella and raincoat so I got caught in a hail shower while touring the tourist attractions there and a rain shower on my way to the hotel. Yesterday my Japanese friend Naoki married Clara, his girlfriend from university. They were married by a pastor at a cathedral in Fukuoka. I said "wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness!" My brother too wrote "best wishes on this wonderful journey as you build your new lives together!" Naoki is a rabbit lover. He has two Holland Lops and one Netherland dwarf rabbit. In accordance with animal law in Fukuoka if your pet is a social animal you must have at least two of them living together. According to the pet guide and the veterinarians, you should trim your rabbit's nails every month. Rabbits are compatible with most other pets if you teach the other pets well. At Tokyo University researchers undertook an experiment last year and this morning where they showed they could bond a rabbit with a dog over a short period of time. They were happy to find their results were compatible with the results of the study done last year. Hereafter Naoki had his rabbits and his husky living together. He believes he'll continue living with them in the hereafter. You can take the House Rabbit journals for free and read them at your leisure. Naoki speaks five languages fluently. He told me "because it has a jargonistic tone, instead of writing as per our previous conversation, we can simply write as we discussed or as discussed. Instead of saying as per your request we can simply say as you requested. Rather than say as per our agreement, we can just say as we agreed. Rather than say please find attached the receipt, we can just say attached is the receipt. Rather than say I enclose herewith two documents, it's more natural to say enclosed are two documents or I've attached two documents. Instead of saying here is the report for your perusal, it's more natural to say here is the report for your review. Instead of saying please return the form at your earliest convenience, we can just say please return the form by next Friday." If you're vacationing in Fukuoka this year I heartily recommend taking the airport express at ifc. It's very easy. Once you're at the ifc exit where you can head straight for queen's road central, enter ifc, pass the escalator in front of you and keep walking until you come to another escalator. Go down it, turn left and go straight ahead. It's there. If you want to travel to Awaji from Fukuoka station, go through the gate, go down the escalator and look at the signs. You'll see which side is bound for Awaji. If you want to have a coffee at J.Cafe, take the lift to level three, go straight down the path and pass several shops til you come to an intersection. Turn right and it's there. If you want to take a lift to a higher level, turn right at the intersection, pass several shops until you see pure fitness on your left, enter pure fitness and the elevator is there. However if you ask me whether Australia is a great place to holiday in, don't bet on it. There's nothing worth doing there.


Seolhyun 2019-10-3 00:39:00 地獄溫泉住邊間好
さしこ 2019-10-3 11:13:22 依家係咪冇得上軍艦島
電腦死白痴 2019-10-3 13:00:59 十一月尾去行程求評:

第一日 福岡落機。博多運河城,行下食飯 住福岡
第二日 太宰府 天滿宮 柳川遊船 住福岡
第三日 小倉 唐户市場 門司港 住福岡
第四日 朝早 布院之森去由布院 九重夢大吊橋 番福岡住
第五日 Outlet marinoa city 住福岡
第六日 天神地下街 住福岡
第七日 豪斯登堡 住長崎
第八日 九十九島/軍艦島/和平公園 (長崎機場7點機)

求巴打意見, 有無位可以改善
SIREN 2019-10-3 13:40:54 book 左下星期去

問緊refund 不過無覆email

和馬 2019-10-3 14:43:57 如果12月中去福岡+佐賀, 浦之梯田值唔值得去? 會唔會冬天無咁靚?
電子狗 2019-10-3 17:15:50 今年楓葉遲開
巨浪大切卡樂B 2019-10-3 17:37:41 https://order.gunkan-jima.net/yamasa/zh/Reserve/Index

有得預約架ma .... 不過都要睇當日天氣情況

SIREN 2019-10-3 17:54:54 買左飛啦, 不過上星期打風吹爛左,宜家一定上唔到岸

淨游船河 之前已經試過,今次去唔到就想直接refund
電腦死白痴 2019-10-3 18:09:17

第一日 福岡落機。博多運河城,行下食飯 住福岡
第二日 太宰府 天滿宮 柳川遊船 住福岡
第三日 小倉 唐户市場 門司港 住福岡
第四日 朝早 布院之森去由布院 九重夢大吊橋 番福岡住
第五日 Outlet marinoa city 住福岡
第六日 天神地下街 住福岡
第七日 福岡hea 下午去 豪斯登堡 住豪斯登堡
第八日 豪斯登堡(長崎機場7點機)

求巴打意見, 有無位可以改善

臭西死全家 2019-10-3 21:49:06 但我照預約到既?係咪到時唔得會話我知cancel


SIREN 2019-10-3 21:58:56 我報依間, 上次幾年前都係。。。

莫作棟生 2019-10-3 22:06:55 能古島真心伏
さしこ 2019-10-3 22:14:13 唔係話島上石線超標無限期關閉咩
Mani 2019-10-3 22:19:56 有無嬉野溫泉酒店介紹