[唔好俾佢停] 福岡、長崎、大分、佐賀有咩好玩? (9)
Yoyobro 2019-9-27 23:46:33 *ToCoo


臭西死全家 2019-9-28 00:08:10 原來asahi廠一個人無得網上book

歧視毒撚 逼毒撚打電話
正しい街 2019-9-28 04:28:30 都係要睇天氣 暖冬會遲少少
正しい街 2019-9-28 04:50:56 好撚小器嘅post主問點解個post冇乜巴絲入嚟貼行動post link
正しい街 2019-9-28 04:53:04 打電話就可以book一個位算好
Mani 2019-9-28 07:19:47 阿蘇同高千穗玩唔玩到兩日
點撚知你 2019-9-28 07:29:59 上星期book見平諗住book,點知焗加10000yen保險
0月0日 2019-9-28 15:01:03 夜晚6點係福岡上機返香港,你地揀既話會去邊買下野或食野
臭西死全家 2019-9-29 03:00:06 想問有無可以一個人食伊勢龍蝦既餐廳推介
Mani 2019-9-29 08:42:54 豪斯登堡值唔值得去

Mani 2019-9-29 09:09:39 長崎自駕去由布院會唔會太痴線


Mani 2019-9-29 11:41:51



巨浪大切卡樂B 2019-9-29 20:32:29
Mani 2019-9-29 22:23:06 咁你長期玩咩
Mani 2019-9-29 22:23:22 長崎
唔好搞我後面.. 2019-9-30 02:29:36 都值得嘅 風景幾靚
如果去就早少少去 因為園區幾大
正しい街 2019-9-30 05:17:36 呢兩度都係出名食魚多啲


長崎啲伊勢海老勝地都幾隔涉,市內反而有間好多分店嘅居酒屋有琵琶蝦刺身傳說比龍蝦好食不過冇食過,有興趣可以search 亜紗
正しい街 2019-9-30 05:25:51
恐失搖擺賓州 2019-9-30 05:29:25 11月去10日想玩晒成個九洲

正しい街 2019-9-30 05:42:44 係冇假放定還是張機票得十日期?遊火車河似乎窄窄地,兩星期就鬆動啲

Mani 2019-9-30 09:00:45 唔該晒


Mani 2019-9-30 09:02:07 唔該晒
prokofiev 2019-9-30 12:52:09 It's a safe bet that you vacation in Fukuoka this year as the yen has fallen significantly. I enjoy visiting the annual winter carnival where I go on the thrill rides and eat sushi soaking up the nice Christmassy atmosphere. The sun has been dazzlingly bright all week so you might just as well have a good long soak in an outdoor onsen, soaking up the sun. In fact, i've just got out of an onsen and towelling off. I like Japanese culture and food. I even took the JLPT test at N two level. My listening far outshines my speaking so the marks I lost in speaking were offset by those I gained in listening. My friend too took the test. She's a little weak at reading but strong in writing so the marks she gained in the writing part offset those she lost in the reading section. After the test we spent money on clothes and shoes like it was going out of fashion. We entered a casino and gambled like it was going out of fashion. If you enjoy being in Japan you might spend money on food and cosmetic products like it's going out of fashion. If you enter a casino you might gamble like it's going out of fashion like we did lol. My Japanese friend Keita is a rabbit lover. He has a Holland Lop rabbit and a Netherland Dwarf. In accordance with animal law in Fukuoka, if your pet is a social animal you must have at least two of them living together. According to the veterinarians and the pet guide you should trim your rabbit's nails every month. Rabbits are compatible with other pets if you teach the other pets well. At Tokyo University, researchers did an experiment last year and this morning where they showed they could bond a rabbit with a dog over a short period of time. They were happy to find their results were compatible with the results of the study conducted last year. Hereafter Keita had his rabbits and his dog living together. He believes he'll continue living with them in the hereafter. You can take the House Rabbit Journals for free and read them at your leisure. Keita speaks five languages fluently. He told me "because it has a jargonistic tone, instead of writing as per our previous conversation, we can simply write as we discussed or as discussed. Instead of saying as per your request, we can simply say as you requested. Instead of saying as per our agreement we can just say as we agreed. Rather than say please find attached the receipt, we can just say enclosed is the receipt. Rather than say I enclose herewith two documents, it's more natural to say enclosed are two documents or I've enclosed two documents. Instead of saying here is the report for your perusal, it's more natural to say here is the report for your review. Rather than say please return the form at your earliest convenience, we can just say please return the form by next week."
恐失搖擺賓州 2019-9-30 15:01:31 得10日假


活像木偶誰會在意 2019-9-30 17:30:21 此回覆已被刪除