[唔好俾佢停] 福岡、長崎、大分、佐賀有咩好玩? (9)
天又藍 2019-8-25 10:32:00


saberlam 2019-8-25 11:41:27 可以早點去機場行
Yun_Chi* 2019-8-25 12:02:23 最後同佢去左天神買衫 而家準備去機場睇下有無野買
唔好搞我後面.. 2019-8-26 02:47:39 唐津開星期六日?thanks
正しい街 2019-8-26 10:59:51 朝市係週末先旺場
正しい街 2019-8-26 11:04:02 屌,睇錯咗

單音凱撒 2019-8-26 22:08:26 秋季温泉 武雄 vs 由布院 推薦邊個?
StevieG 2019-8-27 12:19:36 當地天氣好差咁
正しい街 2019-8-27 12:55:57 身為一個唔浸溫泉嘅失敗窮撚post主
如果唔係好手緊而又唔係大幅out budget,可以試下慳其他地方(例如計車錢同食嘅部分)住一晚半晚

小巴佬死老母 2019-8-28 13:20:25 北九州要出到最高級別警報…
正しい街 2019-8-28 13:23:32 ig又見到水浸相,雖然嗰啲地方遊客應該唔會去


唔好搞我後面.. 2019-8-30 14:20:53 聽日飛福岡 希望天氣好啲
熊生 2019-8-30 14:36:34 博多-由布院
由布院-久留米-長崎 係SMOOTH D
正しい街 2019-8-30 16:17:08 自推

海之中道最update都係要睇返佢哋facebook https://www.facebook.com/uminaka.go.jp/
當然如果撞正落雨去行mall / outlet應該舒服好多嘅
prokofiev 2019-8-30 16:38:37 I came to Fukuoka in the company of my friend Amy. It was a long journey and I was grateful for her company. We stayed at our friend Tomio’s house for a few nights. We were watching television in the living room while he was cooking in the kitchen. His elder sister had popped upstairs to get a book. His younger sister had popped to the bank to get some cash whereas his elder brother has popped into a music store to get some violin scores. As Tomio entered the kitchen I jumped out from behind the wall and cried “Boo!” It was absolutely hilarious as I was finally able to frighten him successfully. Risa popped in and saw us later. Her boyfriend also popped over and visited us a day later. They’re good company. She said she deserved a promotion but instead her colleague was given the promotion because her boss is biased in favour of her colleague. I said that’s the way the cookie crumbles. Apparently her manager is also biased against her but towards her colleague. Oh well. She told me not to mention it when we’re in company. By all means. Next week I’ll pop over to her house to play her violin. I prefer the company of musicians. Before she popped in she was browsing in Zara. In the meantime I went for a browse around a bookshop and then popped into a bank 🏦 to open a bank account. She called two hours later and said she finally got a promotion. The opportunity that she’d waited for so long has finally come along. Opportunities like this don’t always come along. After she left Zara her friend came along in her car and offered her a lift to a bar to celebrate with her. I enjoy strolling hand in hand with my girlfriend at a nearby beach. In fact I went there earlier. With only my thoughts for company I lay down on the beach 🏝 reading the book. It felt very enjoyable. Risa arrived in the late afternoon. I didn’t know she had company. As she was the last person to leave the house I kept her company til the bus arrived. I find the Japanese culture very different to ours. We enjoy yum cha whereas they enjoy drinking green tea and watching baseball at bars for company rather than at home, soaking up the atmosphere.
嚇到我嗰心離一離 2019-8-30 16:50:55 仲有冇
男user🙇🏻 2019-8-30 16:52:48
武藏號 2019-8-30 17:18:39 唔好害人
正しい街 2019-8-30 17:42:57 鼓勵佢喺香港練習下先嘛
唔好搞我後面.. 2019-8-30 18:11:11 博多中心附近有咩景點必去?
正しい街 2019-8-30 18:20:32 博多車站囉,落雨去行阪急



演員. 2019-8-30 18:28:18
徐小鳳 2019-8-30 18:38:05 小弟依加人喺福岡,得返聽日半日時間玩

唔好搞我後面.. 2019-8-30 19:14:11 門司?
唔好搞我後面.. 2019-8-30 19:33:53
thanks 聽日到埗