LIHKG 12分鐘了解社會信用評分系統
角落生物好可愛 2019-7-12 02:03:40 【文宣】社會信用系統懶人包
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
日與夜 2019-7-12 08:19:23
角落生物好可愛 2019-7-12 08:33:02


- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
紅茶白_ 2019-7-12 08:35:09 pish
港豬360 2019-7-12 12:35:04
港豬360 2019-7-12 12:50:39
小鹿子又有心事 2019-7-12 16:32:25
追風箏的傻子 2019-7-12 16:33:07
高城七七 2019-7-12 16:34:28


小鹿子又有心事 2019-7-12 18:05:25 Push
巴剎爾 2019-7-12 18:05:41
日與夜 2019-7-12 19:54:13
日與夜 2019-7-12 22:55:50
成田淩 2019-7-12 23:07:57
銅鑼灣天后 2019-7-13 00:00:28
咪攪我後面 2019-7-13 00:07:13 禁止出國旅行.....如果全港200萬人被評為無誠信
鹹酸菜炒牛歡喜 2019-7-13 03:19:50 p
臉頰泛紅 2019-7-13 03:29:50
香蕉隻揪糖 2019-7-13 04:23:45 整左個翻譯 大家可以share俾外國既朋友睇
The guide of the [SOCIAL CREDIT SYSTEM]
#HongKong will lead into"SOCIAL CREDIT SYSTEM" within THREE years
The resident will be ASSESS by the Government's MONITOR and according the score to giving the PUNISHMENT!!
Crossing the road with red light🚦 -50
Offending the people on the internet -20
Failed to care with the elderly -50
Drunk driving -50 (Thats fair enough tbh)
Joining the cult💀 -50
Failed to hand in the phone bills 2times 📞📞 -20
CRITICISING the government 🎭 -50
Admiring by the country +100
Paying the bill on time +50
Stand for justice +10
Donating blood💉 +10
[Punishment for the low score]
Unable to lending money
Your kids unable to get into a nice school
⚠️Unable to buy the flight ticket=You cant get out of the country(HELL) ⚠️
Unable to work in the GOVERMENT
Unable to buy the house 🏠❌
Limitation for using the public service🚄
[Special Potency For the High Score]
Discount for the loan 🏦
Priority to get into a TOP SCHOOL for the kids
VIP service in the airport
Free deposit for booking hotel and lending car
Free for using different DISCOUNT in the school campus
#socialcreditscore #socialcreditsystem


日與夜 2019-7-13 08:03:51
小鹿子又有心事 2019-7-13 11:41:39 Thank you

小鹿子又有心事 2019-7-13 11:47:51
小鹿子又有心事 2019-7-13 15:53:37