卡雲尼 2019-7-8 14:49:07 玻青:on9仔


Rabiot25(蛆魂) 2019-7-8 15:16:23 拉比認同
Leonardo_Araujo 2019-7-8 17:14:38
放開菊梓喬 2019-7-8 18:58:29 迷馬昆了
Leonardo_Araujo 2019-7-8 20:11:21 陷阱生日冇人講

堤亞高silver 2019-7-8 20:17:50 不了 喺法撚勁姐 唔等於係鈀勁
Rabiot25(蛆魂) 2019-7-8 20:18:09 2499飛買左未?
堤亞高silver 2019-7-8 20:21:31 但係我喺華仔story 見到陷阱體檢緊
艾卡拉菲 2019-7-9 00:49:40 有代購?
Leonardo_Araujo 2019-7-9 07:41:21 里安納度開聲話賭王可以賣,只要有岩既報價
放開菊梓喬 2019-7-9 07:55:20 但個報價好撚顛


Leonardo_Araujo 2019-7-9 08:40:53 除左人加錢換應該冇咩報價滿足到中東佬
望落最大機會係疤 古狗加錢
Leonardo_Araujo 2019-7-9 08:46:33

卡雲尼 2019-7-9 09:01:53 用自己痛處黎攻擊 無得輸
放開菊梓喬 2019-7-9 09:47:26 豁撚左出去佢地
Leonardo_Araujo 2019-7-9 10:44:45 成隊巴西係佢同馬昆最撚有資格發表評論

艾卡拉菲 2019-7-9 11:03:14 有無人買左飛 係咩網買?
堤亞高silver 2019-7-9 13:20:19 隊長幾撚型 仲入選南美盃最佳12人
卡雲尼 2019-7-9 13:36:30 Silva said that Barcelona's comeback win over Paris Saint-Germain came about with the help of "ridiculous refereeing", but that the Ligue 1 players never claimed that UEFA have wanted the match to be won by the Catalan clu.

卡雲尼 2019-7-9 13:36:51 咁邊個最無
我無惹港 2019-7-9 13:38:25


卡雲尼 2019-7-9 13:46:15 有波入都無
Rabiot25(蛆魂) 2019-7-9 13:55:05 damai
Leonardo_Araujo 2019-7-9 14:11:33
Leonardo_Araujo 2019-7-9 14:11:52 🗣 Dani Alves on Messi's Copa America rant:

"He's being disrespectful with several professionals who put a lot of things aside so they could be there fighting for a dream. I'm a friend who always tells the truth when it's due, and I think he was wrong for saying these things."
