小圈子有愛 (163)
醉愛東尼 2019-8-22 03:35:01 最傷都係fans


升降機(Hydra) 2019-8-22 04:47:36 睇緊stranger thing
Dustin 好得意

NaOH 2019-8-22 05:41:23 傾唔掂咪將spider man變iron man2代咪算
M.Reus11 2019-8-22 08:40:19 雖然話食殘廢餐,但罪大都拎出錢拍(好似)
同埋睇報導話,sony d外傳(venom)老迪都想參一腳
阿唯(loveu3000) 2019-8-22 08:45:13 Nancy好樣衰喎

木村里中睛 2019-8-22 09:19:28 迪士尼 都出50%錢
阿唯(loveu3000) 2019-8-22 10:43:07 https://wegotthiscovered.com/movies/sony-confident-spiderman/

“Tom is thinking ‘Okay, we’ve learned everything we need to from Kevin’s playbook. We did Venom on our own and we did Spider-Verse.”

番東 2019-8-22 11:04:09 咁個兩套表現令佢地心雄都正常
Damian_W 2019-8-22 12:14:17 Venom
Wanda 2019-8-22 12:29:09 venom 啲劇情

Wanda 2019-8-22 12:29:20



夢不拾遺 2019-8-22 12:42:16 新update話老迪想要3成咋喎
生命法庭 2019-8-22 12:44:16
雷神(啤酒肚) 2019-8-22 13:17:52 nancy換左髮型麻麻
傑志李毅凱(正選) 2019-8-22 14:19:17 係新 offer 定原本 source 有錯?
澤囝救樂壇 2019-8-22 21:23:09 大家一齊簽名支持蜘蛛仔啦
老公扮蛇嚇呀哥 2019-8-23 14:05:05
沙娜 2019-8-23 15:33:22 係咪無彎轉
升降機(Hydra) 2019-8-23 15:50:51 罪大滔天食撚屎
升降機(Hydra) 2019-8-23 15:53:27 無大理?
Russo bro話
Richard rider
Damian_W 2019-8-23 16:37:12 之後講返係講笑


升降機(Hydra) 2019-8-23 16:38:53 有咩
Damian_W 2019-8-23 16:41:36 https://comicbook.com/marvel/2019/08/19/avengers-endgame-nova-cameo-joke-confirmed/
升降機(Hydra) 2019-8-23 16:51:24
阿輝(後生) 2019-8-23 18:13:38 According to the new deal Disney wants:

- A 6-picture deal with Tom Holland, with an option for a 7th.

- There are three more Spider-Man films after Spider-Man 3, which will be a new trilogy.

- The second trilogy will focus on Peter Parker’s college years including plans for Peter to meet up and team up with Firestar and Ice Man of the X-Men (based in part on the old Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends cartoon).

- The other three movies are two Avengers films in which Spider-Man will have a larger role and become friends with Johnny Storm (Human Torch from the Fantastic Four).

- Marvel Studios will helm and co-finance all Spider-Man related movies for 30% of the full profits (Disney previously wanted 50%, but Sony said no, which led to the talks falling apart).

- Sony would distribute, but Disney will acquire exclusive digital and online rights for Disney Plus and affiliated TV networks.

- Marvel Studios will helm and co-finance SpiderVerse live-action spinoffs under the same terms.

- Venom will relocate into the MCU.

- Sony will be given permission for TV live-action programs based on SpiderVerse properties (Sony only has film rights to Spider-Man, but needs permission from Disney for TV rights)

- Disney wants the deal to be done before Saturday’s Marvel panel at D23 Expo.

- Spider-Man is also said to be a part of a D23 Expo panel.