[薄扶林大學]Reading Week?做功課啦柒頭(5)
Edelschwarz 2017-2-19 20:03:06


港大山崎賢人 2017-2-19 20:12:00 此回覆已被刪除
我來自木星 2017-2-19 20:32:22
跳跳虎咩咩叫 2017-2-19 20:38:57 Lm
太空企鵝東東 2017-2-19 20:41:27
作孽 2017-2-19 20:42:17 此回覆已被刪除
鬼叫你生得柒 2017-2-19 20:48:35 lm
絲淫企業 2017-2-19 20:56:16
Dear students,

I have been informed by a teaching assistant that some of the laboratory reports submitted have very high similarity indices as reported by Turnitin.

You are reminded to take note of the Plagiarism Warning posted conspicuously on Moodle. Serious cases may lead to failure or may even be referred to the Disciplinary Committee for follow-up action. This is necessary so as to be fair to those who are preparing their reports on their own.


Francis T.K. Au

被佢嚇到, 好彩未做lab

屌⋯⋯我做左lab 啦⋯⋯

佢都戇鳩嘅。人人個procedure, result, 都一樣㗎啦。唔同就驚啦。然後theory 同一個lab, 都係果個topic 㗎啦,D專有名詞當然係一樣。

個plagiarism percentage 會低咩?我讀過咁多個engine course 得佢會turnitin 捉plag
煩惱天天都多 2017-2-19 20:56:42 Lm
彩雲達斯 2017-2-19 21:01:51
東隅 2017-2-19 21:06:25



絲淫企業 2017-2-19 21:11:27
Dear students,

I have been informed by a teaching assistant that some of the laboratory reports submitted have very high similarity indices as reported by Turnitin.

You are reminded to take note of the Plagiarism Warning posted conspicuously on Moodle. Serious cases may lead to failure or may even be referred to the Disciplinary Committee for follow-up action. This is necessary so as to be fair to those who are preparing their reports on their own.


Francis T.K. Au

被佢嚇到, 好彩未做lab

屌⋯⋯我做左lab 啦⋯⋯

佢都戇鳩嘅。人人個procedure, result, 都一樣㗎啦。唔同就驚啦。然後theory 同一個lab, 都係果個topic 㗎啦,D專有名詞當然係一樣。

個plagiarism percentage 會低咩?我讀過咁多個engine course 得佢會turnitin 捉plag

個turnitin 仲要唔可以查番自己個percentage
佢個course civl2112 workload 大到嚇死人15% continuous assessment 包埋mid term, 6 份tutorial worksheet,同assignment 冇分別⋯⋯除番開每份1%都唔知有冇
我想改個名咋 2017-2-19 21:25:38




水獺 2017-2-19 21:34:50
Dear students,

I have been informed by a teaching assistant that some of the laboratory reports submitted have very high similarity indices as reported by Turnitin.

You are reminded to take note of the Plagiarism Warning posted conspicuously on Moodle. Serious cases may lead to failure or may even be referred to the Disciplinary Committee for follow-up action. This is necessary so as to be fair to those who are preparing their reports on their own.


Francis T.K. Au

被佢嚇到, 好彩未做lab

屌⋯⋯我做左lab 啦⋯⋯

佢都戇鳩嘅。人人個procedure, result, 都一樣㗎啦。唔同就驚啦。然後theory 同一個lab, 都係果個topic 㗎啦,D專有名詞當然係一樣。

個plagiarism percentage 會低咩?我讀過咁多個engine course 得佢會turnitin 捉plag

個turnitin 仲要唔可以查番自己個percentage
佢個course civl2112 workload 大到嚇死人15% continuous assessment 包埋mid term, 6 份tutorial worksheet,同assignment 冇分別⋯⋯除番開每份1%都唔知有冇

睇黎連procedure 入面D字眼都要改
絲淫企業 2017-2-19 21:39:13
Dear students,

I have been informed by a teaching assistant that some of the laboratory reports submitted have very high similarity indices as reported by Turnitin.

You are reminded to take note of the Plagiarism Warning posted conspicuously on Moodle. Serious cases may lead to failure or may even be referred to the Disciplinary Committee for follow-up action. This is necessary so as to be fair to those who are preparing their reports on their own.


Francis T.K. Au

被佢嚇到, 好彩未做lab

屌⋯⋯我做左lab 啦⋯⋯

佢都戇鳩嘅。人人個procedure, result, 都一樣㗎啦。唔同就驚啦。然後theory 同一個lab, 都係果個topic 㗎啦,D專有名詞當然係一樣。

個plagiarism percentage 會低咩?我讀過咁多個engine course 得佢會turnitin 捉plag

個turnitin 仲要唔可以查番自己個percentage
佢個course civl2112 workload 大到嚇死人15% continuous assessment 包埋mid term, 6 份tutorial worksheet,同assignment 冇分別⋯⋯除番開每份1%都唔知有冇

睇黎連procedure 入面D字眼都要改

我問過個demonstrator 佢又話可以照抄⋯⋯佢會人手減番⋯⋯
無可否認 區生係教得好好
但workload 同埋捉plag 真係好濕尻
彩雲達斯 2017-2-19 21:58:34 未到3月已經做到隻狗咁
Markovnikov 2017-2-20 00:03:16 此回覆已被刪除
SansaBB 2017-2-20 00:03:18
Dear students,

I have been informed by a teaching assistant that some of the laboratory reports submitted have very high similarity indices as reported by Turnitin.

You are reminded to take note of the Plagiarism Warning posted conspicuously on Moodle. Serious cases may lead to failure or may even be referred to the Disciplinary Committee for follow-up action. This is necessary so as to be fair to those who are preparing their reports on their own.


Francis T.K. Au

被佢嚇到, 好彩未做lab

屌⋯⋯我做左lab 啦⋯⋯

佢都戇鳩嘅。人人個procedure, result, 都一樣㗎啦。唔同就驚啦。然後theory 同一個lab, 都係果個topic 㗎啦,D專有名詞當然係一樣。

個plagiarism percentage 會低咩?我讀過咁多個engine course 得佢會turnitin 捉plag

個turnitin 仲要唔可以查番自己個percentage
佢個course civl2112 workload 大到嚇死人15% continuous assessment 包埋mid term, 6 份tutorial worksheet,同assignment 冇分別⋯⋯除番開每份1%都唔知有冇

睇黎連procedure 入面D字眼都要改

我問過個demonstrator 佢又話可以照抄⋯⋯佢會人手減番⋯⋯
無可否認 區生係教得好好
但workload 同埋捉plag 真係好濕尻

屌你老母真係比佢chur 9 死,未讀過course重workload到咁
Shawn_Marion 2017-2-20 00:04:18 留名
忒修斯之船 2017-2-20 00:20:21 SCNC1112

大佬你知道唔係人人有chem背景,assignment唔單止要識chem重要呢幾年嚟出版嘅academic paper

Edelschwarz 2017-2-20 00:23:26
Dear students,

I have been informed by a teaching assistant that some of the laboratory reports submitted have very high similarity indices as reported by Turnitin.

You are reminded to take note of the Plagiarism Warning posted conspicuously on Moodle. Serious cases may lead to failure or may even be referred to the Disciplinary Committee for follow-up action. This is necessary so as to be fair to those who are preparing their reports on their own.


Francis T.K. Au

被佢嚇到, 好彩未做lab

屌⋯⋯我做左lab 啦⋯⋯

佢都戇鳩嘅。人人個procedure, result, 都一樣㗎啦。唔同就驚啦。然後theory 同一個lab, 都係果個topic 㗎啦,D專有名詞當然係一樣。

個plagiarism percentage 會低咩?我讀過咁多個engine course 得佢會turnitin 捉plag

個turnitin 仲要唔可以查番自己個percentage
佢個course civl2112 workload 大到嚇死人15% continuous assessment 包埋mid term, 6 份tutorial worksheet,同assignment 冇分別⋯⋯除番開每份1%都唔知有冇

睇黎連procedure 入面D字眼都要改



黃仔 2017-2-20 00:25:38
Shawn_Marion 2017-2-20 00:36:36

大佬你知道唔係人人有chem背景,assignment唔單止要識chem重要呢幾年嚟出版嘅academic paper


水獺 2017-2-20 00:42:18
唔知有冇巴打肯做下好心比下civil source我




btw 同求civil source
email: saorinkawaii777@yahoo.co.jp
絲淫企業 2017-2-20 00:48:31
唔知有冇巴打肯做下好心比下civil source我




btw 同求civil source
email: saorinkawaii777@yahoo.co.jp

Email: lamjoeshit1679@gmail.com