紅磡西多夫 2019-6-26 01:30:26 //WE RESIST FOR WHAT WE DESERVE// 錯左collocation

1. Resist 唔會跟 for

2. 如果係Inversion, (we resist what we deserve for) 仲大鍋!
2.1 Resist sth 係抵抗某d事物. 咁理解 resist [what we deserve for ] 即係我地抵抗我地值得嘅嘢?
2.2 Deserve 正路唔會跟for... (正確:deserve sth / deserve to do sth)

我明白口號啲grammar 可以隨意啲,但collocation 會影響意思。唔好好似建制派咁寫封信都會寫到錯晒意思!!




我係夜神月 2019-6-26 01:31:10
大迪 2019-6-26 01:32:05 insist
紅磡西多夫 2019-6-26 01:32:27 Replace “resist” with “fight/strike/stand”
真毒不需説 2019-6-26 01:32:57 唔好用resist,直接用fight 可能好d
明日花K羅 2019-6-26 01:33:05 想講日本人9成唔識
Ponstan 2019-6-26 01:33:42 we resist (the government) for what we deserve
紅磡西多夫 2019-6-26 01:36:24 唔可以無咗個object
Ponstan 2019-6-26 01:38:58 有咩字可以更貼切咁表達「反抗」嘅意思?
紅磡西多夫 2019-6-26 01:39:02 Push
紅磡西多夫 2019-6-26 01:42:46 Fight for


紅磡西多夫 2019-6-26 01:43:19 唔好柒出國際呀
土屋tao 2019-6-26 01:44:12 講過
紅磡西多夫 2019-6-26 01:45:39 Push
但願人長膠 2019-6-26 01:46:10 點會fight for
Bernardo_Silva 2019-6-26 01:47:43 此回覆已被刪除
ゼロツー 2019-6-26 01:47:45 抗う ??
我真是醉了 2019-6-26 01:47:57
紅磡西多夫 2019-6-26 01:48:43 TRY TO GET/DO STH
5 [I, T] to try very hard to get sth or to achieve sth
11 11 ~ (for sth) He's still fighting for compensation after the accident

Oxford Dictionary
學術撚 2019-6-26 01:49:13 protest?
我ex係賤人 2019-6-26 01:49:38 resist轉fight


速成定倉頡 2019-6-26 01:50:00 Fight for 感覺比較正面 ?
Against 會唔會有種 「無目的地反抗/反對」?
紅磡西多夫 2019-6-26 01:51:19 唔會fight against what we deserve 啦
學術撚 2019-6-26 01:51:29 What we fight for
黑警冷血林鄭殺港 2019-6-26 01:51:34 Fight against the xxxxx