前立法局主席黃宏發踢爆:議事規則得撤回 押後 postpone or withdraw 冇暫緩
雞,全部都係雞 2019-6-26 01:52:28


中村ゆりか 2019-6-26 01:53:02 少啲字好啲
銀鹿 2019-6-26 01:54:34 cut邊句?
原由柏実 2019-6-26 01:55:26 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtMeG5q3YgA
伊莎貝拉·群 2019-6-26 01:56:49
膠得有趣 2019-6-26 01:57:45 發叔咁清晰 不推不是人
中村ゆりか 2019-6-26 01:58:12 Cut淨紅字
醬爆牛演 2019-6-26 01:58:31 呢個容海恩係咪議員黎架 諗野咁撚理想化咁單純

聽下d老前輩 撈左咁耐政壇ge人講野先啦

容xx講野point又廢又說服唔到人 個議員位點黎
PHY 2019-6-26 01:59:04 此回覆已被刪除
原由柏実 2019-6-26 01:59:42 中聯辦直接欽點佢代表葉劉個新民黨出戰

原由柏実 2019-6-26 02:00:08 發叔係港英餘孽



沈門明燈卡多 2019-6-26 02:00:36 此回覆已被刪除
αβπ 2019-6-26 02:01:10 for 淺藍中立, 可以比d意見
KongLui 2019-6-26 02:02:48 重點係條議事規則英文版
最愛做港豬 2019-6-26 02:03:00
原由柏実 2019-6-26 02:03:31 咁深唔識啦
αβπ 2019-6-26 02:07:02 64. Withdrawal or Postponement of Bills

(1) The Member or public officer in charge of a bill may, by an announcement made in Council at the beginning of proceedings for its second or third reading, withdraw or postpone the bill. (L.N. 74 of 2005)

(2) The Member or public officer in charge of a bill may, by an announcement made in Council at the beginning of proceedings for the resumption of the second reading debate on the bill, withdraw the bill if -

(a) the purpose of the resumption is for making such an announcement; and

(b) such purpose has been so stated in the notice of the resumption of debate given under Rule 54(5) (Second Reading).
(L.N. 74 of 2005)

(3) The Member or public officer in charge of a bill may, in making an announcement for the withdrawal of the bill under subrule (2), address the Council on matters relevant to the withdrawal but no debate may arise on such an address. (L.N. 74 of 2005)
銀鹿 2019-6-26 02:07:35

αβπ 2019-6-26 02:08:27 補link
星之肥脾 2019-6-26 02:09:57 push
口土 2019-6-26 02:13:22


Austin 2019-6-26 02:15:47 覺得覺得,無Ground嘅根本
繾綣膠卷 2019-6-26 02:17:28
英倫風🇬🇧 2019-6-26 02:17:59 第一次聽已經覺得有問題 用suspend呢個字係玩字眼
人地鬼佬暫緩都係用delay 好似係
原由柏実 2019-6-26 02:19:38 咁有晒料話佢講大話