We are a group of concerned Hong Kong citizens among the two million protesters who filled the streets on June 16. This is our sincere plea for your help to defend our autonomy and freedom.
Ever since the handover in 1997, China has been relentlessly imposing their flawed authoritarian rule on Hong Kong. The most recent, blatant example is the proposed “Extradition Bill” that would allow the extradition of alleged “fugitives” from Hong Kong to China, a country that is notorious for its disregard for the rule of law and human rights; a dictatorship which routinely pressures its judges into prosecuting and in some cases, executing individuals who are "dissidents" only in the eyes of the Central Government, with a judicial system whose definition of crime is murky and often subjective.
The proposed bill, once becomes law, would subject local citizens, business owners, journalists, expats and tourists of all nationalities to arrests and trials in mainland China for alleged crimes and fabricated accusations just because one disagrees with the government. This will have a devastating impact on Hong Kong where international trade thrives; on the freedom of speech and religion, and on human rights – universal rights that each and every single one of us is entitled to.
That is why two million of us defiantly took to the streets, even after unjustifiable violent suppression by the police against peaceful and unarmed protestors who were subsequently stigmatized by the government as “rioters”. Police brutality was repeatedly evidenced by officers striking protestors young and old with batons and firing tear gas directly at large crowds, and by officers aiming rubber bullets and beanbag rounds at the head. Some were arrested with many more injured, but our determination to safeguard what remains of our inherent rights and promised autonomy is not to be shattered.
A complete, permanent withdrawal of the Extradition Bill is only the beginning. We also demand 1.) the unconditional release of all unfairly arrested from the protest; 2.) the official renouncing of previous statement which branded the June 12 rally “a riot”, and 3.) the formation of an independent commission of inquiry to investigate police brutality. Most importantly, we demand universal suffrage which enables Hong Kong Citizens to elect our own leaders and to hold them accountable for their actions.
In view of the upcoming G20 Summit and the meeting between Presidents Trump and Xi, we implore you to address our pressing concerns and demands to your government. We urge you to stand with us in preserving Hong Kong’s freedom and autonomy against China’s tyranny.
Thank you.
Citizens of Hong Kong
2019-6-26 07:34:24
同埋我想知係咪唔同國家嘅報紙都有唔同嘅稿? 我知內容大至一樣但如果登喺日本, 英國, 法國呢d你講president trump and Xi 又唔係好關事
2019-6-26 07:36:30
2019-6-26 07:38:44
2019-6-26 07:39:17
會唔會明確啲寫點help to defend,好似第一段講左但之後冇講到
We Shall Overcome