LIHKG 【眾籌】我地出咗final draft啦!!!!
開畢了口 2019-6-25 23:28:52


出事響個樣度 2019-6-25 23:29:05 此回覆已被刪除
Sunrise 2019-6-25 23:29:08 Push
業餘奶茶控 2019-6-25 23:29:17 讀落似乎好好多


褪色的夢 2019-6-25 23:29:34

1)標題用:We shall never surrender


一黎好孤身作戰feel 要國際幫手

-唔好長篇大論講反送中 只攞嚟做一個例子反映共產主義滲透 (勾起返鬼對冷戰嘅回憶)再講少少警察暴行 引發人地同情心
-強調香港人係自由世界一份子 雖然落左係極權既超級大國手中二十年 仍然熱愛自由 民主 人權
-再講下香港人有幾團結同對抗暴政既決心 毫不退縮
-plead/beg/save 個啲字唔建議用 太卑微 亦都令人覺得大把陷入緊戰亂既國家慘撚過你
亦都唔建議用太arrogant 既字眼 好似香港人救世界
-要不亢不卑 希望自由世界人民join us in the fight against totalitarianism
-淨係反送中真係太短視。其實難得國際關注,寫多個point, 爭取民主/普選.留個大方向, 會唔會比較好? 等國際間可以持續關注香港形勢,形成一股真正外援力量.真心希望篇文可以更進取, 更激昂


- #LiberateHK
-用d無左HK呢兩個字ge hastag
( 更可以推上大舞台 如果其他受抑壓嘅事 都可以用同一個Tag 影響可以更深遠 e.g. 蘇丹內亂>可能引發到metoo movement)




純情小鴨 2019-6-25 23:29:49 請受小弟一拜
Genzo 2019-6-25 23:30:41 最好唔好提Chinese, 應該直接cut 咗最後嗰幾隻字佢
你媽媽個媽 2019-6-25 23:30:50
兔兔子 2019-6-25 23:31:04 push 辛苦晒
樓蘭 2019-6-25 23:31:12
貓奴28 2019-6-25 23:31:21 推到睇到為止


你是我的眼 2019-6-25 23:31:27 登報既訴求可唔可以唔好咁短淺
MyCookieCan 2019-6-25 23:31:53 巴打好波
Child登女 2019-6-25 23:31:59
JimmyGor 2019-6-25 23:32:03 多謝你!打死大陸狗
高高高昇材 2019-6-25 23:32:25 PUSH 樓主快啲上水
喼汁炒飯 2019-6-25 23:32:47 此回覆已被刪除
紅豆霸 2019-6-25 23:32:56 係囉
寶寶上線啦 2019-6-25 23:32:58 版面太黑出來的效果會唔會唔係咁好
卡洛絲丁Jer 2019-6-25 23:33:07 睇下呢個o唔ok


The Chinese government once again showed its true colors to the world through the proposal of the Extradition Law Amendment Bill in Hong Kong, a bill that not only destroys the autonomy of Hong Kong, but also endangers all foreigners residing, visiting, or even merely transiting through this bastion of freedom and liberty. [1]

Despite millions of protesters turning out in two consecutive Sundays, and a large-scale peaceful gathering that turned violent when the Hong Kong Police Force unleashed disproportionate force on peaceful protesters, with various well-documented instances of police brutality:

1) riot police chucking tear gas grenades right at a local politician; [2]
2) shooting tear gas canisters in the middle of a cornered and panicking crowd (which almost turned into Hillsborough 2.0) [3];
3) riot police spraying an unarmed and injured man in the face with pepper spray;
4) threatening to shoot journalists; [4]

Even now, numerous protesters were unjustly arrested, with many more suffering from various degrees of injury, some of whom were too scared to go to the hospital for fear of having their personal particulars leaked to the Police unconstitutionally. [5]

The situation has since simmered down to an uneasy stalemate, with the Hong Kong SAR government (and perhaps their true masters in Beijing) steadfastly refusing our demands to i) completely withdraw the amendment bill, ii) drop all charges against the arrested protesters, and iii) promising that there will be no repercussions to all who participated in the 12th June protest outside the government headquarters. More protests have been planned in the lead-up to the G20 summit in Osaka, and enterprising netizens have even purchased ads on major newspapers around the world.

We pray that our efforts would eventually bear fruit, but even if by some miracle that the government does accede to our demands, it will not end there. The SAR government (and again, their masters in Beijing) will retaliate against this slap in their face with even more draconian measures like disqualifying lawfully elected legislators with ridiculous interpretations of the Hong Kong Basic Law (pretty much our Constitution) and digging up outdated precedents to give out harsh prison sentences to protesters [6].

Our beautiful city, our Pearl of the Orient, our Fragrant Harbor, edges ever closer to the dark valley of totalitarianism since 1997.

But we will never give up without a fight.

We will not go quietly into the night.

For better or worse, our years under British rule taught us the true worth of freedom and liberty, and the importance of a functional democracy (or at least, we’ve seen how badly can things get without one).

Join us in the fight against totalitarianism by delivering our concerns and demands to your governments in view of the upcoming G20 summit.


[1] “freedom” 同埋 “liberty” 可以二選一或者兩個用晒
[2] 即係胡志偉嗰單 – 民主國家仆街極都冇聽過警察夠膽打議員
[3] 講到中信差D變希斯堡2.0應該會對外國球迷幾有用
[4] 數住4單先,其他例子等有人問/challenge既時候再攞出黎
[5] 病人私隱呢個point應該好好講
[6] 即係梁天琦嗰單
出奇制勝 2019-6-25 23:33:45 此回覆已被刪除


Gracegift 2019-6-25 23:34:01 此回覆已被刪除
長期武錢 2019-6-25 23:34:01
上帝撚 2019-6-25 23:34:05
繼續割席 2019-6-25 23:34:21 [突發]愛爾蘭時報Irish Times有28號頭版可登
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區