LIHKG 【眾籌】我地出咗final draft啦!!!!
心水清清 2019-6-25 22:50:23 此回覆已被刪除


Ashes_of_Time 2019-6-25 22:50:31 此回覆已被刪除
請好好對我 2019-6-25 22:50:49 好似已經submit咗
mw6600 2019-6-25 22:51:01 辛苦嘥丶香港加油
貓奴28 2019-6-25 22:51:23
RadonNikodym 2019-6-25 22:51:25 睇comment呀樓主
天珠 2019-6-25 22:51:42
BCG 2019-6-25 22:51:53 好老實 PLS SAVE乜乜 我見到真係會WFC
但係睇到呢句 我起碼第一個感覺會好奇先
唔理係咪鐘意睇人仆街定係睇熱鬧 起碼肯睇先
愈多人肯了解 就愈多同路人
Matata 2019-6-25 22:51:59 有無人問到樓主之後既報紙內容如何,同考唔考慮登多次nyt
出奇制勝 2019-6-25 22:52:00 此回覆已被刪除
狗仔洪仔 2019-6-25 22:52:07 お疲れ様です〜


K2-155d 2019-6-25 22:52:08 樓主回應下?

毛筆 2019-6-25 22:52:10
懦夫的救星 2019-6-25 22:52:15 有料到, 有IDEA
K2-155d 2019-6-25 22:53:29 please save zzzzxzxxx

你是我的眼 2019-6-25 22:53:39 呢個一定要改

SNOOZE 2019-6-25 22:53:54 睇左今日早期段draft, 再睇呢份所謂final
first draft 寫d 野好好多。

真心建議用返first draft。
繾綣膠卷 2019-6-25 22:54:27
喼汁炒飯 2019-6-25 22:54:29 此回覆已被刪除
露西髮 2019-6-25 22:54:33 此回覆已被刪除
黑翅長腳鷸 2019-6-25 22:54:46 同意,其他各報的頭版可繼續改好佢

Hong Kong people hope to make our voice heard in the international community by demanding the Hong Kong government:
(1) to immediately release all peaceful protestors,
(2) to unreservedly launch an independent investigation into police excessive violence on June 12,
(3) to completely withdraw the extradition bill.

We, the Hong Kongers who treasure the liberty to speak openly without fear of government restraint, solicit your support to enhance this part of the global village free of political interventions and infringement of human rights. Please help us bring our concerns to the attentions of your governments, legislators, and human rights activists. Join us in fighting for the common values that we all cherish on the avenue of building an ideal world!

Signed off by: Members of Hong Kong citizens
Or Hong Kong People in solidarity


走鋼索的人 2019-6-25 22:55:05 處理咗D排版問題,睇落順暢D,大標題字體選咗futura,意思係未來咁解
喼汁炒飯 2019-6-25 22:55:42 此回覆已被刪除
高高高昇材 2019-6-25 22:56:02 push
業餘奶茶控 2019-6-25 22:56:18 唔知係咪我日文唔好