LIHKG 【眾籌】我地出咗final draft啦!!!!
烏sirsir 2019-6-25 22:26:19


學長bb 2019-6-25 22:26:23 最新進度整合:

德國、日本、美國、英國、韓國、澳洲、台灣、法國、印度、西班牙、芬蘭、加拿大、愛爾蘭已經有人跟緊 其它國家巴絲可以單聲會跟,再自發跟住先(聯絡報社,報價,報位,有料再報上黎)
自發做野有料有成果想Report既可以TG: shameonhkpolice 做分流聯絡
美極獵人 2019-6-25 22:26:36 不如 #defendfreedom
一直走下去 2019-6-25 22:26:49
出奇制勝 2019-6-25 22:26:52 此回覆已被刪除
七檸John 2019-6-25 22:26:58 好呀我等你, 麻煩晒
檸檸 2019-6-25 22:27:09
躝返入老母個閪 2019-6-25 22:27:11 呢到咁多人會唔會可以順手幫下:

[重要!!!!!!!] Twitter俾五毛大軍入侵!!
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區


美極獵人 2019-6-25 22:27:13 點入, 認真想幫手
千人一面 2019-6-25 22:27:14
我係打手 2019-6-25 22:27:15 感覺上表達唔足對於美國人有咩影響


請好好對我 2019-6-25 22:27:26 如果真係登咗save hk作用不大 真係會唔明憑咩要save我地 只希望唔會有反效果
Chain 2019-6-25 22:28:17 實幹
林夕 2019-6-25 22:28:27 此回覆已被刪除
咕菇固 2019-6-25 22:28:36
肯德雞上校 2019-6-25 22:28:47 日文登報版個part, 唔知過左期限未。
tw00216213 2019-6-25 22:28:54 #weconnect
o毛賊神經病o 2019-6-25 22:29:12
單腳行路 2019-6-25 22:29:28
MarcoTang 2019-6-25 22:29:35
狗系 2019-6-25 22:29:40 呢單野由捐錢到而家都無24個鐘

未必係完美但其實團隊都盡左力 (同埋出份野登new york times 頭版實好大壓力)


東東不敗 2019-6-25 22:29:42 公告咁寫
"排版統一跟NYT submitted"

家樂牌通心粉 2019-6-25 22:29:51 唔好意思咁多位,我地其實一直嘗試聯絡nyt,佢都係今日先覆話要2、3個鐘內起到貨俾佢,如果唔係唔收。
我地已經盡咗力,唔能夠個個都滿意我地寫嘅野,但我地有做緊qr code個website會有返多d資料同其他野,嗰到可能都會補充到!
記你老母自由閪 2019-6-25 22:29:55 此回覆已被刪除
七檸John 2019-6-25 22:30:01 btw 呢份係最新 draft, 廢時再洗皮所以縮細佢, 請另外copy到text editor改

Hongkongers shall never surrender

The totalitarian government of China manifests its evilness in the proposal of the Extradition Law in Hong Kong, a law that not only destroys the autonomy of Hong Kong, but also endangers the safety of all foreigners who chance to travel or stay in this land of freedom. The government refused to listen to the voice of 2 million of protesters, and they even sent the Hong Kong Police Force to terrorize the people.

We are lovers of freedom living in Hong Kong, a place that has fallen into the dark hand of totalitarianism since 1997. Still we have never once forgotten the true worth of freedom, democracy and human rights. They never succeeded in convincing us otherwise.

We will stand firm to fight for our autonomy. We will stand firm to fight for our democracy. And we will resist totalitarianism in the name of freedom. Hongkongers shall never surrender.

The proposal of the Extradition Law must be completely withdrawn, and in addition, the autonomy of Hong Kong must be guaranteed with the introduction of Universal Suffrage in the election of the Legislative Council and thereafter the Chief Executive. Join us in the fight against totalitarianism by delivering our concerns and demands to your governments in view of the upcoming G20 summit.

#LiberateHK #weshallneversurrender