LIHKG 【眾籌】我地出咗final draft啦!!!!
關你叉燒 2019-6-25 22:15:27 agree


七檸John 2019-6-25 22:15:33 wise唔wise其次, 最難係短時間內搵到time frame共識
CXR 2019-6-25 22:15:39 辛苦哂各位巴絲
Keyzzz 2019-6-25 22:15:45
百香果冰氣 2019-6-25 22:15:55
三日冇洗頭 2019-6-25 22:15:57
灰鳩死 2019-6-25 22:16:02
下面係大操場 2019-6-25 22:16:08 多謝巴打
三日冇洗頭 2019-6-25 22:16:24
傻西瓜Hi 2019-6-25 22:16:32 推爆佢!!!
良善如你 2019-6-25 22:16:45 此回覆已被刪除


藍又時 2019-6-25 22:16:51 辛苦哂
tw00216213 2019-6-25 22:17:06 支持
賓州長過長洲 2019-6-25 22:17:07
謝敏敏(想4) 2019-6-25 22:17:11 WE WILL果段先係最緊要既STATUS 放最尾啦
tw00216213 2019-6-25 22:17:16 文宣辛苦晒
林夕 2019-6-25 22:17:18 此回覆已被刪除
Foxxxxx 2019-6-25 22:17:31
Cersei_Lannister 2019-6-25 22:17:44 Dear New York Times Readers,

We are a group of concerned citizens who have been among the 2 million protesters marching on the streets of Hong Kong. This is our sincere plea for your help to defend our sovereignty and freedoms. Here is why you should care.

In 2019, the Hong Kong SAR Government proposed a bill that would allow the extradition of alleged “fugitives” from Hong Kong to China, a country that is notorious for its disrespect for the rule of law. The judicial system in China has a conviction rate of 99.9%, and prisoners are known to have suffered from severe violations of human rights.

Bankers, businessmen, tourists, and even ordinary Hongkongers could be arrested and sent to China for trials of alleged crimes and fabricated accusations. Hong Kong will cease to be a free economic zone, which has long served the world’s most prominent businesses.

This is why two million of us took to the streets. We were unarmed. We had only helmets, umbrellas and plastic wrap. In return, the police suppressed us by unleashing 150 tear gas canisters shot in close range, aiming batons at our heads, and firing rubber bullets and bean bag rounds. Numerous peaceful protesters were unjustifiably arrested, interrogated, and stigmatized as “rioters".

Hong Kong’s Chief Executive Carrie Lam has announced a suspension of the Extradition Bill which is NOT equivalent to withdrawal. We urge our government to agree to our three demands:

1. To completely withdraw the Extradition Bill.
2. To release all the arrested unconditionally and undertake not to prosecute any of the protestors.
3. To appoint an independent commission of inquiry to look into incidents of police brutality.

In view of the upcoming G20 summit and the meeting between Trump and Xi, we implore you to deliver our concerns and demands to your governments. We urge you to ally with us, demanding the preservation of Hong Kong’s freedom and autonomy under the Chinese Government.

We humbly thank you.

Yours truly,

林夕 2019-6-25 22:17:45 此回覆已被刪除
Matata 2019-6-25 22:17:47 呢度個個一人一句都好難追post同決定用邊個既意見



躝返入老母個閪 2019-6-25 22:17:49 再次感謝幫手行嘅巴絲打

汪汪真鳩喂 2019-6-25 22:18:08 唔洗啦
柴犬的司機 2019-6-25 22:18:09 篇公開信係寫得好好同好有心機,但要即時令人注意到我哋嘅訴求,必須有一個明確嘅標題,好多巴絲都有提議過呢點,我想提議用


我哋宜家嘅反送中行動同5年前嘅雨傘運動,都係捍衛緊香港人嘅自由同人權,包括言論自由、選舉自由、人身安全,歸根究底都係自由兩個字,所以我哋必須要強調we are fighting for freedom of Hong Kong

要喺世界各地唔同地方登報,同時要令唔知香港發生咩事嘅人一目瞭然,freedom本身就係普世價值嘅核心,亦都係唔少G20國家嘅憲法基礎,係最容易引起唔同國家嘅人共鳴嘅字眼,就算外國人too long didnt read,都會知我哋爭取緊啲咩,日本人英文再差都唔會唔識
Florian 2019-6-25 22:18:10 辛苦曬

同意有巴打話hashtag好重要, 以後有咩文宣世界各地都即刻follow到