LIHKG 【眾籌】我地出咗final draft啦!!!!
懦夫的救星 2019-6-25 22:11:26 佢都比左好多時間大家幫手比意見
Finalise 應該有變


工作敏感 2019-6-25 22:11:29
BunBunBun 2019-6-25 22:11:39 其實無圖或者一個大標題真係好唔eye catching...
關你叉燒 2019-6-25 22:11:49 I shall 和 I will
我們很多時把shall和will混淆。何時說I shall,何時說I will?現代英文的shall和will用法,和一百年前的英文分別很大。基本上,現在只有We和I會跟shall,he、she、they不會跟shall。至於will,若用於I will,那意思是「我情願」、「我相信我會做」。I will see you.是說我相信我會來見你,這是我的意願。I shall die one day.就用shall,因為那沒甚麼意願可言,是定律。小童說I shall go to school tomorrow.這也不是他可以選擇的,沒意願可言,所以用shall。要認真地講究shall和will的分別,可以很複雜,但大致的分別就是這樣。

from 楊鐵樑
軒軒掛於月前訴 2019-6-25 22:11:55 辛苦晒
DrummingBeiBei 2019-6-25 22:11:56 Surrender 其實唔太好,因爲我地唔可以將China 認定為我地敵人, surrender 喺呢個context 會令人覺得我地搞獨立,打緊仗
Erm... 我地既主題係 保護我地應有既自由民主,我地要外國知道我地好緊張呢樣嘢

可以再簡化d 請求高見
是對的終於會碰到 2019-6-25 22:12:05 辛苦哂
七檸John 2019-6-25 22:12:08 原意都係咁

再執咗D, 最後一段好難寫求意見

Hongkongers shall never surrender

The totalitarian government of China manifests its evilness in the proposal of the Extradition Law in Hong Kong, a law that not only destroys the autonomy of Hong Kong, but also endangers the safety of all foreigners who chance to travel or stay in this land of freedom. The government refused to listen to the voice of 2 million of protesters, and they even sent the Hong Kong Police Force to terrorize the people.

We are lovers of freedom living in Hong Kong which has fallen into the dark hand of totalitarianism since 1997. Still we have never once forgotten the true worth of freedom, democracy and human rights. They never succeeded in convincing us otherwise.

We will stand firm to fight for our autonomy. We will stand firm to fight for our democracy. And we will resist totalitarianism in the name of freedom. Hongkongers shall never surrender.

The proposal of the Extradition Law must be completely withdrawn, and in addition, the autonomy of Hong Kong must be guaranteed with the introduction of Universal Suffrage in the election of the Legislative Council and thereafter the Chief Executive. Join us in the fight against totalitarianism by delivering our concerns and demands to your governments in view of the upcoming G20 summit.

#LiberateHK #weshallneversurrender
巴啦叭啦叭 2019-6-25 22:12:16
美極獵人 2019-6-25 22:12:31 既然定咗案就支持下算啦, 或者開個集中改進post, 再提無意思.
懦夫的救星 2019-6-25 22:13:01 其實中間有link叫人幫手入去寫


阿妹101 2019-6-25 22:13:03
非禮蜜洞 2019-6-25 22:13:04 一定要贏!
屌你班黑警幾時死 2019-6-25 22:13:18 200+1固然重要 但而家要引起國際話題
要等佢地睇完知 佢地除左關注 仲可以做啲咩
謝敏敏(想4) 2019-6-25 22:13:52 唔好講G20啦大佬 重點錯哂
是對的終於會碰到 2019-6-25 22:13:53 Push
關你叉燒 2019-6-25 22:13:53 not sure if it's wise to add sth specific like a time frame to highlight the urgency
褪色的夢 2019-6-25 22:14:07 想補充返
三黎 (哩個係咪太古個烈士如果係其實好有象徵性 )
艾雲尼 2019-6-25 22:14:09 我嘅諗法係加強語氣
Pray 2019-6-25 22:14:17 可以試下用呢句
喼汁炒飯 2019-6-25 22:14:17 此回覆已被刪除


屌你班黑警幾時死 2019-6-25 22:14:32 不過改唔到就真係下份改啦 大家都係想件事好

關你叉燒 2019-6-25 22:15:00 either way, we will win
良善如你 2019-6-25 22:15:02 此回覆已被刪除
Pray 2019-6-25 22:15:05 當然要再修改下d字啦