LIHKG 【眾籌】我地出咗final draft啦!!!!
馬田丹尼斯 2019-6-25 21:58:45 push


首席古戰場逃兵 2019-6-25 21:58:49 UPUPUp
2Timers 2019-6-25 21:58:51 push
野人 2019-6-25 21:58:57
2Timers 2019-6-25 21:59:09 push
自由hike 2019-6-25 21:59:14 此回覆已被刪除
我要攬炒 2019-6-25 21:59:19






侮辱我地中華民國 2019-6-25 22:00:01 係呀 可以幫下手呀!
神樂bb 2019-6-25 22:00:01 此回覆已被刪除
懦夫的救星 2019-6-25 22:00:06 連登意見:

1. 標題用:We shall never surrender

2. 內容要加番對外國影響,同埋希望美國會為香港爭取普選,tone方面,應該要強硬多少少,唔好用beg/request/plead之類既字眼。


4. 圖片唔夠搶眼

5. 加埋hashtag: WeConnect

How about this?
良善如你 2019-6-25 22:00:11 此回覆已被刪除


膠箱作業 2019-6-25 22:00:12 Liberate呢個字有浸太強烈的左味
衛新更 2019-6-25 22:00:22 辛苦哂🙈🙈 發現冇題新聞自由 記者被打、限制採訪
_SugarFree_ 2019-6-25 22:00:27 此回覆已被刪除
Foxxxxx 2019-6-25 22:00:30
tw00216213 2019-6-25 22:00:32 finalize左啦,啱啱有人回應
吉利蛋汽車 2019-6-25 22:00:35 We shall never surrender 型到爆
七檸John 2019-6-25 22:00:44 執咗D

Hongkongers shall never surrender.

The totalitarian government of China manifests its evilness in the proposal of the Extradition Law in Hong Kong, a law that not only destroys the autonomy of Hong Kong, but also endangers the safety of all foreigners who chance to travel or stay in this land of freedom. The government refused to listen to the voice of 2 million of protesters, and they even sent the Hong Kong Police Force to terrorize the people.

We are lovers of freedom living in a place called Hong Kong that has fallen into the dark hand of totalitarianism since 1997. Still we have never forgotten the true worth of freedom, democracy and human rights. They never succeeded in convincing us otherwise.

We will stand firm to fight for our autonomy. We will stand firm to fight for our democracy. And we will resist totalitarianism in the name of freedom. Hongkongers shall never surrender.

The Extradition Law must be completely withdrawn, and, in addition, the autonomy of Hong Kong must be guaranteed with the introduction of true Universal Suffrage in the Legislative Council and thereafter the Chief Executive. Join us in the fight against totalitarianism by delivering our concerns and demands to your governments in view of the upcoming G20 summit.

通街都係處 2019-6-25 22:00:58
膠箱作業 2019-6-25 22:01:08 WeConnect同林鄭扯上關係喎
隔壁老王 2019-6-25 22:01:09 push


霧嶋董香 2019-6-25 22:01:15 我建議用動畫其中一幕做圖



沈·陽歪 2019-6-25 22:01:22 pish
苦樂滲半 2019-6-25 22:01:25 辛苦喇
林夕 2019-6-25 22:01:51 此回覆已被刪除