LIHKG 【眾籌】我地出咗final draft啦!!!!
Guy_Fong 2019-6-25 21:36:13 此回覆已被刪除


淡定淡定 2019-6-25 21:36:20 加油加油

關你叉燒 2019-6-25 21:36:22 last para quite good
出事響個樣度 2019-6-25 21:36:25 此回覆已被刪除
㷫過火雞 2019-6-25 21:36:35 我都想知 可以整合意見俾佢地
浦東之星 2019-6-25 21:36:37
懦夫的救星 2019-6-25 21:36:37
你老母月娥 2019-6-25 21:36:39 Push!
番梘泡 2019-6-25 21:36:44
電火 2019-6-25 21:36:46
撚雀和理非 2019-6-25 21:36:54


Fghfgjj 2019-6-25 21:36:55 其實張圖唔係好睇唔到太古義士
汪汪真鳩喂 2019-6-25 21:37:03 NO
郭嘉 2019-6-25 21:37:21 此回覆已被刪除
倔強柴犬 2019-6-25 21:37:25
海眠害害 2019-6-25 21:37:29 用高抄200萬人既相會唔會好d?
㷫過火雞 2019-6-25 21:37:34 麻煩幫手反映意見
Freedom-cunt 2019-6-25 21:37:35 文筆好好
那裡只有我和妳 2019-6-25 21:37:52 其實你地睇下google.docs先

自發做野有料有成果想Report既可以TG: shameonhkpolice 做分流聯絡
番梘泡 2019-6-25 21:37:58
Yo是撐撐 2019-6-25 21:38:09 Hi 多謝樓主 😎😎 Can I give a suggestion to this sentence: ”We urge our government to agree to our three demands.”

I would suggest the below amendment:

“We urge our government to agree to HongKongers three reasonable requests:”

As the words “demands” has significant links to people who take things hostage, I believe it would be more appropriate to use the word “requests”, which accurately reflect the means by which we are asking the government to handle those 3 items. If we are trying to gain sympathy from the word, we need to maintain the spirit of cordial dialogue in the discussion.

呢個只係小小建議 希望幫到手🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️


港女的呼籲 2019-6-25 21:38:11 perfect!

We all live in a global village and we need your help!!!
醜婦終須信天翁 2019-6-25 21:38:12 兩大問題!!!
1. 要強硬啲
2. 排版問題
世界係咁嫁啦 2019-6-25 21:38:16 下款唔好叫HongKonger? 咁樣代表香港所有人,未必個個鐘意
K2-155d 2019-6-25 21:38:17 推呢個

引導世人望向 支那極權下的西藏、新疆, 同香港消失的universal suffrage.