LIHKG 【眾籌】我地出咗final draft啦!!!!
請好好對我 2019-6-25 21:32:57 Agger 人地心諗點解要save你on99


柴犬的司機 2019-6-25 21:33:04 見到上面好多巴絲都好心急,其實份稿係咪已經finalize左?
甜於塵 2019-6-25 21:33:32 推 希望有得adjust 下
文菁 2019-6-25 21:34:02 唔計
鬼妹正好多 2019-6-25 21:34:12 此回覆已被刪除
玉面小飛龍 2019-6-25 21:34:20 推!支持!!
啜地 2019-6-25 21:34:26 此回覆已被刪除
七檸John 2019-6-25 21:34:37 時間關係, 拋磚, 搵人幫人執字眼同最後一段

The totalitarian government of China manifests its evilness in the proposal of the Extradition Law in Hong Kong, a law that not only destroys the autonomy of Hong Kong, but also endangers all foreigners who chance to travel or stay in this land of freedom. The government refused to listen to the voice of 2 million of protesters, and they even sent the Hong Kong Police Force to terrorize the people.

We are lovers of freedom living in a land called Hong Kong that has fallen into the dark hand of totalitarianism since 1997. Still we never forget the true worth of freedom, democracy and human rights. They never succeeded in convincing us otherwise.

Hongkongers shall never surrender. We will stand firm to fight for our autonomy. We will stand firm to fight for our democracy. And we will resist totalitarianism in the name of freedom.

Join us in the fight against totalitarianism by delivering our concerns and demands to your governments in view of the upcoming G20 summit.
山防風 2019-6-25 21:34:40 謝謝!
出盡奶力 2019-6-25 21:34:41 一路讀一路眼濕濕😭
K2-155d 2019-6-25 21:34:42 急x10000000 推:

引導世人望向 支那極權下的西藏、新疆, 同香港消失的universal suffrage.


娛樂之王 2019-6-25 21:34:50
汪汪真鳩喂 2019-6-25 21:34:54 返緊工呀大佬
緣起性空 2019-6-25 21:34:58 push
兵敗嶼山島 2019-6-25 21:35:20
林夕 2019-6-25 21:35:36 此回覆已被刪除
㷫過火雞 2019-6-25 21:35:38 仲改唔改到?

心思思想換美金 2019-6-25 21:35:44 push
藤条 2019-6-25 21:35:48 辛苦了
懦夫的救星 2019-6-25 21:35:50 心聲
_._ 2019-6-25 21:35:54 我見佢地有個tg group,會唔會可以入去同佢地講?


肝光F面 2019-6-25 21:36:02 發夢:聽日要輕裝上陣
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
Fghfgjj 2019-6-25 21:36:07 I want true democracy
傻西香蕉皮 2019-6-25 21:36:08 Language唔夠strong,
美極獵人 2019-6-25 21:36:12 會唔會可以將義士做返彩色, 標題 HONG KONG IS NOT ALONE 去引起同理心?